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FW version: Stable

How to reverse the rotation direction?


The drive command with a negative value will cause the motor to spin in the other direction. The ESCx driver is fully symmetrical for both directions. Nevertheless, you might want to reverse the direction on a global level. That's what is discussed here.

Method 1: Change the motor phase order

  1. Swap any of the two motor phases. This will change the direction of the motor rotation.
  2. Since the motor sensor is now aligned differently in respect to the phase order, you need to re-identify the sensor with identrun.
  • The rotation direction of spin-up during identrun should be the forward direction.
  • This method is cleaner and suggested but requires mechanical rearrangement.

Method 2: Change the motor direction in the controller settings

  1. Change the sign of the /driver/ipeak parameter. This will change the direction of the motor rotation.
  2. Save the parameters.

Change the motor direction


Not a recommended method for production. If you lose the configuration due to the FW upgrade, you may end up with a vehicle, which will unexpectedly run in the opposite direction.