Will controllers work with more than 20S Li-ion battery?
The short anwer is NO.
The longer answer is still NO - Always read the datasheet of the controller you are using. The maximal voltage is specified there.
- The maximal voltage is different for each controller. Always read the datasheet.
- If you exceed the maximum voltage, you can damage the controller. The warranty does not cover this damage.
- siliXcon will not help you exceed the maximum voltage.
The longest answer is still NO, but why?
You may ask, if you are using 100V MOSFETs, why can't you use a 100V battery? This is due to voltage overshoots during the switching of the MOSFETs. During the switching, the voltage can overshoot by 10-15V (depending on the controller). This means the MOSFETs can see 100V with 84V battery. If you use a 100V battery, the MOSFETs can see 120V, which is above the maximum rating of the MOSFETs.