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FW version: Stable

How to get help with the motor identification?

If you want to help with the motor identification, or you do not know if the sensor is properly identified, follow these steps:

  • Make sure, that the motor and motor sensor are connected properly.
  • Power on the controller and connect to it.
  • Open the term and the scope.
  • Login in the term. (Press Ctrl+A)
  • Type reinit and your sensor type.
  • Run the identrun command.
  • Click on the scope and press Enter. (Do it for both top and bottom graphs)
  • Send us the PrintScreen of the term and of the scope.
  • Also send us your current configuration: How to export parameters
  • Our support will then examine the data and help you with the motor identification.

This is successful identification of the hall sensor: Identrun Scope


The most common sensor types are:

1Sensoreless mode
2Three Hall sensors
3Sin-Cos sensor