What is HWID and how to understand it?
This text describes the HWID (Hardware IDentification) concept, which is the identification of any siliXcon Hardware. If you specify the exact HWID, you will alvays get the same hardware with the same features.
Together with SWID (Software IDentification), it fully defines the end product. The description is divided into several levels that specify different aspects of the hardware:
Target HW
The highest level of division reflects the primary purpose of the product. The esc5 means, that the product is 5 generation of ESC controller. The sx1 means, that it is the SX controller.
If I compare it to the cars:
- esc5 - it is a car
- sx1 - it is a Wolksvagen Passat
PCB revision
This letter specifies the PCB revision. The PCB revision is changed when the PCB is changed.
Changing the PCB revision will not change the overall functionality of the product. It is just a minor change.
Assembly variant
The assembly variant defines what components (functionalities) are assembled on the PCB. By changing this, we can remove or add some functionalities. This is usefull if we are doing some OEM product with reduced functionality to save costs.
If I compare it to the cars:
The assembly variant is like what motor is in the car.
The finish defines the outside look of the device. It defines the color of the device, heatsink variants, or used connectors (and their pinouts).
If I compare it to the cars:
The finish is like the color of the car.
How to read HWID from the device?
- Connect the device to the PC
- Open the emGUI and click to search for the device
- Double click on the device name