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FW version: Stable

Why did my parameters disappear after the controller upgrade?

If the structure of parameters changes (parameter added, modified, or removed) between the current and the FW you are upgrading to - then the parameters are restored to the default configuration - you lose your parameter configuration.

This is not unfortunately visible from a version number. It is recommended to save the configuration to a file when upgrading the controller and load it back after the upgrade.


If you forgot to save the configuration before the upgrade, you can upload the old firmware back to the controller and the configuration will appear again.

(This only works until you save the parameters to the controller - then the old configuration is lost.)


Exactly the same principle works with permanents. If the structure of permanents changes, the old permanents are lost. This is problematic, especially for the ODO meter. If this happens, it is noted in the changelog and the major version is changed.