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FW version: Stable

BMS messages


All here listed messages are little-endian.

Receive from BMS siliXcon

These messages are for siliXcon BMS support. They are present if siliXcon BMS support is added to the firmware.

0x500 - BMS status msg

This MSG is from siliXcon BMS.

DNC - Do not care (not used) by siliXcon controler

0UINT_8DNC, BMS ID == 203
1UINT_8BMS driver state
state < 90 - disarm
state = 90 (overvoltage) - disable braking
2UINT_8BMS error word - If non zero, do disarm
0-200 = 0-100 [%]
255 = NaN (invalid value), than SOC is used from controller BEST
4-5UINT_16DNC, BMS limit word
6UINT_8BMS suggested limit value for positive current (from the battery) 0-255, 255 = full current (no limitation)
7UINT_8BMS suggested limit value for negative current (to the battery) 0-255

If the value is 0, the limiter setting is not changed.

0-1INT_16Ibpos [A / 10]
2-3INT_16Ibneg [A / 10]
4-5INT_16Ubmin [V / 10]
6-7INT_16Ubmax [V / 10]