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FW version: Stable

Settings examples

This page contains examples of using siliXcon controllers in real projects. You will find here the complete wiring and configuration of vehicles using siliXcon controller with LYNX firmware. The purpose of this page is to show you how to use LYNX features and how to combine them.


You can copy the configuration from the examples and paste it into the emGUI using Ctrl+V. More here


You can use parts of the configuration as a template for your project, but you should always understand what you are doing.


  • SC controller
  • Hub motor with hall sensors
  • Throttle
  • Static brake
  • Map button on controller
  • siliXcon BMS


  • SC controller
  • Sensorless motor
  • Domino throttle with redundant signal
  • VDS display
  • Map button on display
  • RGB WS LED to show the current map
  • Using SOC from BEST (Battery Estimator) in the controller