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FW version: Stable

Dynamic brake

Generic analog brake input. The signal is normalized in ASC block: this converts the input signal from [mV] to normalized value 0 - 1. After it is shaped in CSC block (to add low pass filter or deadzones). The ASC and CSC are located in the folder /brake/asc, resp /brake/csc.


Configuration steps

Setting dynamic brake input

The LYNX allows you to use different GPIO input pins for the brake signal. This is done by setting the parameter /io/IN_dbrake to the GPIO ID of the brake signal.

This is a list of most common GPIO pins:

/io/IN_dbrake valueInput name
8 - defaultGPIO0

Check the Input mapping for more information.


Also it is recommended to configure the GPIO to the floating input (disable pull-up or pull-down resistor). This can be done by setting the /common/ioconfX parameter to 0. More about ioconf here

The maximum braking force

If the brake is applied, the brake signal is a command to the driver and the /driver/ìrefr is the reference for the phase current. More about braking current reference

Setting brake signal range


Check the getting started guide for the first steps with the LYNX: Getting started - throttle. Settting the brake signal range is similar to setting the throttle signal range.

For setting the brake signal range, you can use the /brake/asc folder. The most important parameters are:

  • min - minimum value of the brake signal
  • max - maximum value of the brake signal

For setting the brake deadzones, you can use the /brake/csc folder. By default, the 10% from the signal range is set as a deadzone. The deadzone is at low and high values of the brake signal.

  • Check the ldz for the lower deadzone
  • Check the hdz for the higher deadzone

The actual braking signal (only from dynamic brake) is visible in the /brake/sig_dbrake state variable.