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FW version: Stable


In thy LYNX are implemented 2 levels of access rights:

guest:guest (or empty)Read and write access to maps settings. Other parameters are hidden.
service:superlynxFull access to all settings.

Reason for this is to allow users to tune their own maps settings. But they can't change things like max current, power or speed.

  • Maximum speed and power are limited by /maps/pwrlimit and /maps/kphlimit settings. If these values are non-zero, guest can't set higher values.
  • With guest you can run commands like identrun or idenlint.
  • The default credentials can be changed in OEM firmware. Ask siliXcon if you want your own credentials.
    • It is not possible to change which parameters are hidden for guest and which are not. This is fixed for all LYNX devices.