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FW version: Stable

Map count

The total number of maps can be up to 10. But some mods can have less maps. The number of used maps is defined by parameter mapcnt. The number of restricted maps is defined by parameter restmapcnt. The total number of maps is shared between normal and restricted maps (mapcnt + restmapnt).

There are also one safety map (map0) and one special reverse map (revmap), as addition to these accessible maps (an example is depicted in the picture below)

map count

Order of changing maps

When map button is pressed, next map is loaded. Here is description of the order of changing maps:

  • Map0 can be activated only at device startup, it is not possible to activate it by push button
  • Restricted maps can be used separately or together with normal maps - se examples below

Example 1

Changing restricted maps with normal maps.

  • mapcnt = 3
  • initmap = 0
  • mapopts = 0

Restricted maps switch is OFF

Restricted maps switch is ON

Example 2

Using restricted maps separately from normal maps.

  • mapcnt = 3
  • initmap = 1
  • mapopts = 2 (enable "rest maps only")

Restricted maps switch is OFF

Restricted maps switch is ON