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FW version: Stable



All mentioned parameters are located in /misc folder.

  • Custom beeping can be implemented. If you are interested in adding custom beeping, please contact us.
  • Check this page on how to create custom beeping: Custom beeping

There is a possibility to indicate several states of the system by acoustic signalization using the motor as a speaker. Sound signalization can be us for these states.


Using this parameter, you enable or disable individual beeping from the motor (bitwise parameter).

0arming sound
1intro sound
2disarming sound
3sound SOC indication
4throttle error sound signalization
5change map sound signalization
6shut down sound signalization
7lock sound signalization
8reverse sound

Battery SOC beep

This feature can be used to indicate battery SOC by sound signalization at vehicle startup. You can simulate the sound using the playsoc command.

SOC rangeSound signalization
91% - 100%4 beeps up
66% - 90%3 beeps up
41% - 65%2 beeps up
15% - 40%1 beep up
0-14%1 beep down

Warning timer

This timer can be used for sound signalization when the system is armed but idling (to aware user that it is energized). Warning timer can be set by paramater warntim. The parameter is a number of [s] between the warning beep.

Shutdown timer

This timer can be used for automatic powering off when the system is inactive (idling). Shut down timer can be set by parameter shdntim. The shutdown will work only on controllers with flip-flop powering variant.