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FW version: Stable


On-board diagnostics (OBD) is a term referring to a vehicle's self-diagnostic and reporting capability.
OBD2 is usually needed for vehicle homologation.


OBD2 is paid feature. It is not present in standard (public) LYNX firmware.
siliXcon can provide you with a OEM firmware with OBD2 feature enabled. Contact us for more information.

DTC codes

Implemented DTC codes and their description.

DTCDescriptionLYNX implementation notes
P0120Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch "A" CircuitOutput of /acc/csc is NaN.
P0122Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch "A" Circuit LowTo enable this DTC param /acc/asc/absmin must be non zero.
/acc/acc/in is below absmin
Or same for /acc/asc_2.
P0123Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch "A" Circuit HighParam /acc/asc/absmax must be non zero.
/acc/acc/in is above absmax
Or same for /acc/asc_2.
P0500Vehicle Speed Sensor "A"Reserved (not implemented)
P0A1BDrive Motor "A" Control Module/driver/error is non zero
P0A2ADrive Motor "A" Temperature Sensor CircuitMotor sensor temperature fail.
Trigger if RThermistor is greather than 50 kOhm
Or if RThermistor is lower than 80 Ohm
P0A2FDrive Motor "A" Over TemperatureMotor overtemperature - /driver/limit & 256
Motor sensor must be present and properly configured
P0A3CDrive Motor "A" Inverter Over TemperatureDriver over temperature condition - /driver/stat & 4
P0A3FDrive Motor "A" Position Sensor CircuitThere is motor sensor error - /driver/stat & 16
P0C05Drive Motor "A" Phase U-V-W Circuit/OpenPhase B is disconnected at startup.
P0A9BHybrid Battery Temperature Sensor "A" CircuitActive, when CAN BMS lost connection

Motor sensor error:

Detection of disconnected motor sensors may not work properly with some Sin/Cos sensors.

PID codes

0x05Controler temperature [°C +40]
0x8DMotor RPM [rpm * 100]
0x5BBattery SOC [%]