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FW version: Stable


Lynx incorporates several functions for achieving higher safety.

/safetyopts parameter

This parameter is used for enabling/disabling safety features. If is bitwise parameter.

0Forever disarm from throttle signal (sig_acc) if is NaN
Even if this is not set, the NaN on throttle disarm, but after NaN is cleared, it allows arm.
1Disarm from brake signal (sig_brake) if is NaN
2If sig_brake is NaN, force brake mode and prevent any acceleration.
3Do not recover from timeout on CAN msg 0x5FF
4Disable timeout on CAN msg 0x5FF.

Disarming block

In-built safety system. It can check several inputs and based on its values, the throttle signal path can be disabled (before entering the driver) together with the cruise function. This ensures that the motor will not accelerate from the throttle path and cruise is deactivated if there is a safety risk. The overall structure is shown in the picture below.


Disam reason

There are several sources, considered as potential safety risk initiators. These sources are result in the disarm state of the device. This is list of potential sources:

  • If the value is positive, the device will recover from the disarm state
  • If the value is negative, the device will stay in the disarm state until the reboot
/disarm_reason valueDescription
0Device is armed
1Default value after device boot
2Throttle signal (sig_acc) is NaN
10Seat switch is active
11Disarm from activating the reverse
12Disarm from changing the maps (mapopts&4)
13Disarm from BMS state (undervoltage and other states)
14BMS is reporting charging
15BMS is in error
16Device is shutting down
17Identrun is in the process
18Throttle signal (sig_acc) is NaN - disarmed forever (safetyopts&1)
19Timeout from geofence message
20Disarm command from geofence message
21Any error state of the driver
23Step-up charging (using the controller) is active
24Device is in slave configuration
25Braking from throttle disarm (drvopts&128)
26Brake signal (sig_brake) is NaN (safetyopts&2)
27Brake signal disarm the device !(drvopts&1)
28Driver is overriden
29Device is locked

Reaction of majority of these inputs is hardcoded, but there is also option for parametrization of disarming block by parameters safetyopts, drvopts and mapopts.