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FW version: Stable

YOS commands

This is a description of the YOS shell commands, that are available in the Lynx application. You can use them in the terminal or YOS script.


Other commands are described in the YOS or driver documentation.

pmp [map no]

Power MaP - Change the power map from the terminal. You can specify the map number as a parameter. If no parameter is specified, it will change to the next map.


Reset the trip counter. The trip is located in /permanents/trip.


Trip counter can be reset also by CAN message or via siliXcon VDS display.


In the LYNX is also odo counter. But this counter is not resettable.

playsoc [soc 0-1]

In the LYNX is a feature to play the starting sound according to battery SOC. You can test this sound by this command. Without parameters, it will play actual SOC. With parameter: playsoc 0.5 it will play SOC sound for 50%.