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FW version: Stable

CAN messages


All here listed messages are little-endian.

This part of the documentation is for OPHION-specific messages. If you are interested in other messages, see the driver documentation

Ophion can diagram

Ophion controll message

Using this message you can map CAN signal to OPHION input. You can also combine controller GPIO inputs with CAN inputs.

  • If you set /io/level_INPUT to 0,255, then the level input is used from the CAN message.
  • To controll driver mode using the CAN, set /io/can_input to 1.

Message ID

Message ID for this message can be changed using the parameter /io/can_offset.

The message ID is calculated like this: can_offset + device address


Controller with address 0 and the default value of can_offset have message ID 0x610

Message structure

0-1INT_16 (Little endian)can_level
2-3INT_16 (Little endian)can_level2
4UINT_8Digital input:
- Bit 1 = can_in1
- Bit 2 = can_in2
-used only if can_input = 1
-used only if can_input = 1
  • DLC of the message must be 7 or 8, otherwise, the message is ignored.
  • Timeout for this message is 200ms. If the message is not received at this time, all the message values are set to zero.

Received values

All the received values are shown as variables in the folder /can_input_signals. These signals are shown even if the CAN input is not used.

State variableDescriptionUnit
can_ctl_modeIndicates parsed value for ctl_mode[UINT_8]
can_ctl_reverse_modeIndicates parsed value for ctl_reverse_mode[UINT_8]
can_in1Indicates parsed value for in1[boolean]
can_in2Indicates parsed value for in2[boolean]
can_levelIndicates parsed value for level[INT_16]
can_level2Indicates parsed value for level2[INT_16]
can_timeoutIndicates status of watchdog for CAN message-1: no message received
0: message timedout
positive value: timeout countdown value