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FW version: Stable

Safety features

Ophion implements multiple safety functions to enhance operational security.

/safetyopts parameter

This bitwise parameter enables or disables various safety features.

0Disable disarm on device start.
1Disarm forever if cmd is NaN.

Disarming block

A built-in safety system that, by default, requires cmd to be 0 before the device can be armed. The device remains in a disarmed state if cmd is not 0.

Disarm reason

Several potential safety risk sources can trigger the device's disarm state. Here's a comprehensive list of these sources:

  • Positive values: The device can recover from the disarm state
  • Negative values: The device remains disarmed until reboot
/disarm_reason valueDescription
0Device is armed
1Default state after device boot (can be modified via safetyopts)
2cmd is NaN
10Level2 is invalid (only applies when sig_path is 3)
18Permanent disarm due to NaN cmd (only when safetyopts & 2)
21Driver or common block error state
28Application command overridden by CAN API or run command