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FW version: Stable

Contactor control

Contactor output on siliXcon controllers is power output with pwm capability (low side switch). Usually used for controlling contactors.


All here listed variables are located in folder /common/contactoX. Where X is the contactor number.


Do not connect capacitance load to the contactor, the in-rush current will burn the output.



attack [-V / +%]

Voltage value during contactor startup.

  • Positive value: Set contactor voltage as percentage from battery voltage.
  • Negative value: Set contactor value to exac voltage.

attack = 10; battery voltage = 50V voltage on contactor will be 5V

attack = -10 voltage on contactor will be 10V

hold [-V / +%]

Contactor voltage after startup.

  • Positive value: Set contactor voltage as percentage from battery voltage.
  • Negative value: Set contactor value to exac voltage.

Value "dimension" is same as attack

attacktime [ms]

When the contactor is closed, attack value is used during attacktime. After that hold value is used.


Options for the contactors.

This is bitwise parameter.

0Close on driver init
1Open on driver or cmio error
2Ramp on start

retrytim [ms]

When overcurrent occurs, the contactor is opened. After this time, the contactor is closed again automatically. To disable this, set this parameter to 0.


Only present on contactors with overcurrent capability.


current [mA]

Actual current on the contactor.


Only present on contactors with current measurement capability.

Shell commands

cont [contactor number] [cmd]

You can control manualy contactors. This is also for controling douts on AM controler.

If you run the command with only contactor number, you will get contactor duty cycle, or 1,0 for dout.

0switch off the contactor
1switch on the contactor

If you enable: Close on driver init, this command will not switch the contactor.