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FW version: Stable



All here listed variables are located in folder /common.



State of the common block.

01It is set when inputs are not valid.
7128Power switch selftest error. Motor control and common block can continue without it.
8256Power switch overtemperature
124096Power switch overcurrent detected
138192Contactor 1 overcurrent
1416384Contactor 2 overcurrent
1532768Contactor 3 overcurrent

Not mentioned bits are reserved for future usage.


If this state is non-zero, there is critical error in common block. The error can be cleared only by power cycle.

01IOEXP1 not initialized (or initialization was not successfull)
12IOEXP2 not initialized (or initialization was not successfull)
24IOEXP1 communication lost
38IOEXP2 communication lost
416IO+10V voltage lower than 6V

Driver error is independent from common error. Technically, with common error you can still drive the motor.



Application selector.

Application is part of firmware, sitting between inputs (GPIOs) and outputs (motor controll). When application is disabled, you can still controll driver directly. Using CAN API, terminal or scripts.

0Autoselect - Main application
1Force main application
10Autoselect - Main application is OFF.
123siliXcon internall testing application
otherReserved for future usage

Internal note: 0 and 10 are autoselect. During manufacturing, the application is the testing application

Shell commands

shutdown [timeout]

This command turn off all contactor and turn off your controller (If flip-flop is present).

If timeout is specified, the device is restarted after the timeout (usefull if flip-flop is not present)