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FW version: Stable


The purpose of the usrcalib is to allow vehicle manufacturers to store some information about the vehicle, such as its production number, model, and year. These data are stored permanently, so even if the vehicle's firmware is changed, the information in the usrcalib will not be affected.

Command usrcalib [id] [data]

0usrWelcome200 charEvery controller startup, this will be printed to the terminal
1usrDevName40 charDevice name
2usrDevSN40 charDevice serial number
3usrDevId0int32Any 32-bit signed integer
4usrDevId1int32Any 32-bit signed integer
5usrDevId2int32Any 32-bit signed integer
6usrDevId3int32Any 32-bit signed integer
7usrDevId4int32Any 32-bit signed integer
8usrDevId5int32Any 32-bit signed integer
9usrDevId6int32Any 32-bit signed integer
10usrDevId7int32Any 32-bit signed integer
11usrDevId8int32Any 32-bit signed integer
12usrDevId9int32Any 32-bit signed integer

Change usrcalib value

Set usrWelcome to "Hello world!": Run this command in the terminal: usrcalib 0 Hello world!

Set usrDevId0 to 123: usrcalib 3 123

Run in terminal usrcalib to print the whole usrcalib. To print only one value usrcalib 3. If usrcalib is a number, its values is returned as retval.


Set welcome message

Set the welcome message:

SC-felix#>usrcalib 0 Hello world
set usr calibration index 0 to Hello ? (y/n)

Print whole usrcalib:

0 usrWelcome 'Hello'
1 usrDevName ''
2 usrDevSN ''
3 usrDevId0 0
4 usrDevId1 0
5 usrDevId2 0
6 usrDevId3 0
7 usrDevId4 0
8 usrDevId5 0
9 usrDevId6 0
10 usrDevId7 0
11 usrDevId8 0
12 usrDevId9 0

Set and read usrcalib

If you execute usrcalib [id], the return value is actual value stored in usrcalib. This only works for integers types (usrDevId0-usrDevId9)

Set usrcalib "usrDevId0" to value 1234:

SC-felix#>usrcalib 3 1234
set usr calibration index 3 to 1234 ? (y/n)

Read the value:

SC-felix#>usrcalib 3
3 usrDevId0 1234
List of available dynamic vars:
-> retval int32 : 1234
-> ticks uint32 : 2961034
-> debuglevel uint8 : 16
-> errlevel uint8 : 17

Total 4 entries