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FW version: Stable

PID speed and PID position closed loop driver mode


Due to memory constraints, extended modes are not always available. If you do not see folder /driver/pid_speed or /driver/pid_position, the extended modes are not present in your firmware.

If one of these bits is specified in the requested motor mode, the PID loop is activated. We call these "extended" modes.

BitDecNameReference value
416Speed looprref
532Position looppref

Driver mode = 17: The speed PID loop is active. The motor is driven in voltage mode (17 - 16 = 1)

Driver mode = 34: The position PID loop is active. The motor is driven in current mode (34 - 32 = 2)

PID schema


For /driver/pid_speed and /driver/pid_pos : both folders contain the settings for the corresponding PID regulator.

PProportional term for the PID regulator
IIntegral term for the PID regulator
DDerivative term for the PID regulator
TdThe time constant for the input filter for the D term. The D term is sensitive to noise, using the filter can help to reduce the noise.

The Td parameter is lpf filter time constant. More about it.