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FW version: Stable

Driver error word

Description for state /driver/error.

If the error is not zero, the critical error has occurred and the control falls into the fail-safe state. A user intervention is necessary to recover from this error (i.e. controller reboot, or call reinit).

If the error is non-zero, all the MOSFETs are immediately put into the HiZ state and the motor is not driven. The error is also stored and logged in permanent memory and the controller will not start the motor until the error is cleared and the controller is restarted.

Trivial values for the error

Special error nError HEXDescription
-120x7FF4Undervoltage od SMPS off
-130x7FF3All phases to GND or SMPS off
-140x7FF2Powered from the motor
-150x7FF1Voltage fluctuation
-160x7FF0ADC error
655340x7FFEService running (identrun, identlin, ...)
655350x7FFFDriver deinitialized

Decode the error

Enter your error to decode it.

You can also use decode-error from the SWTools to decode the error. You will get the same as here.