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FW version: Stable

Battery limiter


Next variables are located in the folder /driver/limiter.

  • Current direction from the battery to the motor is considered as positive (motoring, battery is being discharged).
  • Current direction from the motor to the battery is considered as negative (generating, battery is being charged).
  • In some of the applications, some of the hereby parameters may be set as "volatile", rendering them as not being user-settable and not saved to the FLASH memory. This is because, they are set from the user application. Example: ppos in the LYNX is set individually per each power_map.
  • To disable a limiter, set the limiter setting to zero.


Battery current limitation

ibpos [A]

Set limitation for battery current in the positive direction (from battery to motor).

ibneg [A]

Same as ibpos but, for the negative current.

ibgain [-]

This parameter sets the dynamic response. Higher values mean quicker response to the DC-side over current (negative or positive) but may lead to oscillation and stability issues with this limiter. Lower values will lead to smoother response.

  • This limiter is an integral-type limiter and its limitation speed depends on the ibgain parameter.
  • Due to the reaction time, this parameter may not be used for preventing the BMS short circuit protection or BMS overcurrent. BMS short circuit protection must be greater than the ipeak parameter.

Battery voltage limitation

ubmin [V]

Sets the minimum battery voltage limit. Typically, this is used to prevent the controller from emptying and/or destroying the battery.

ubmax [V]

Same as ubmin but, for the maximum voltage. Typically, this is used to prevent the controller from overcharging and/or destroying the battery.

ubgain [-]

This parameter sets dynamic response. Higher values mean quicker response to the voltage (negative or positive), but this may lead to oscilation in this limiter. Lower values will lead to smoother response.

  • This limiter is an integral-type limiter and its limitation speed depends on the ubgain parameter.
  • If your battery's internal resistance is higher, set the ubgain parameter to a higher value.

Power limitation

ppos [W]

This parameter will set maximum power taken from battery.

pneg [W]

Same as ppos but for negative power (recuperation).

pgain [-]

This parameter sets the dynamic response. Higher values mean quicker response to the voltage (negative or positive), but this may lead to oscilation in this limiter. Lower values will lead to smoother response.

  • This limiter is an integral-type limiter and its limitation speed depends on the pgain parameter
  • Dynamic of this parameter can be set by pgain