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FW version: Stable

Battery limiter - external

This limiter relies on externally provided readings. This is usually done by CAN messages. For more information, check the application-specific documentation.


The following variables are located in the /driver/limiter folder.

  • To disable a limiter, set its threshold values to zero.


Battery temperature limitation

This limiter works with an externally acquired battery temperature. There is no dedicated hardware input in the controller. Each application may implement an application-specific method (usually, a dedicated GPIO for reading the temperature or, by receiving data from a BMS).


If you are using the LYNX application with siliXcon BMS, the properly configured BMS cooperates with the controller to deliver the maximum performance from the drivetrain at all cases, without the risk of any damage, hazard or reducing the battery life.


btempmaxhi [°C]

At this temperature and over, the power is completely limited.

btempmaxlo [°C]

At this temperature, the power starts to limit proportionally as the temperature gets further increased.

btempminlo [°C]

At this temperature, the power starts to limit proportionally as the temperature gets further decreased.


Li-ion batteries do not like low temperatures, especially, charging at low temperatures.

btempminhi [°C]

At this temperature and below, the power is completely limited.

Battery cell voltage limitation

This limiter works with an externally acquired battery minimum and maximum cell voltage. There is no dedicated hardware input in the controller. Each application may implement an application-specific method (usually, by receiving data from a BMS).


If you are using the LYNX application with siliXcon BMS, the properly configured BMS cooperates with the controller to deliver the maximum performance from the drivetrain at all cases, without the risk of any damage, hazard or reducing the battery life.

bcellmax [V]

Maximum voltage of the battery cell with the highest voltage.

bcellmin [V]

Minimum voltage of the battery cell with the lowest voltage.

bcellgain [-]

This parameter sets the dynamic response. The higher value, the quicker response (negative or positive), but this may also lead to oscillations. Lower values will lead to smoother responses.