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FW version: Stable

Shell commands

This is the list of shell commands that are used by the driver.

run [command] [mode] [imult] [umult] [rmult]

  • Use with caution. This command can override the application and put the motor into a dangerous state.
  • Do not use this command together with CAN API commands. Both inputs have the same priority and can cause unexpected behavior.

If the command run is entered with parameters, it typically overrides the current command issued from the Application. For example, by entering the command run 0.1 1 on an e-bike, motor control from the throttle is disabled and the motor spins up to 10 %of nominal voltage in motor mode 1.

If the command run is entered without parameters, it cancels the previously issued override. In the previous example with ebike, entering the command run cancels the override and the motor is again controlled by the throttle.

If the run command is entered with parameters, the motor command (with listed parameters) is issued. Parameters that are not listed are not changed. Parameter description:

  • [command] - number in range -1 ... 1; (e.g. in voltage mode, it specifies the fraction of uref applied to the motor, or in current mode it specifies the fraction of applied iref and so on fo other motor modes)
  • [mode] - mode, in which is motor driver. If not specified, the default mode is 1 (VLT)
  • [imult] - iref multiplier value. Scales the Q-axis current. Setting imult to 0.5 has the same effect as setting iref to half of its original value (only in case if no d-axis control is configured). Refer to section 2.8 for iref description.
  • [umult] - uref multiplier value. Works similar as [imult], but is connected with uref.
  • [rmult] - rref multiplier value. Works similar as [imult], but is connected with rref (reverse reference current).


Stops the motor. This command is an alias for the command run 0 0. It overrides the application and puts the motor into freewheeling mode [FRW].

reinit [prest]

  1. Deinitializes the Driver block.
  2. Then, start the Driver initialization procedure. (Optionally with new motor sensor type defined by the parameter prest).

If the reinit command is run without parameters, it starts new initialization with the currently set rotor angle estimation. If the parameter [prest] is entered, new Driver initialization is done for the motor sensor defined by the parameter prest.