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FW version: Stable


All these temperature readings are used for the controller's protection. If one of the temperature readings exceeds the limit, the controller will limit the motor current to prevent damage to the controller.

If there is an active limitation from one of next inputs, the Overtemp flag is raised in the /driver/state variable.

temp [°C]

The controller's average temperature. This temperature is measured by the controller's MCU. The temperature is calibrated by the MCU manufacturer, but even with that, the temperature precision is +-2°C.

Below 90°CNo limitation
90°CStarting limitation temperature
100°CFull limitation

ptctemp [-]

Limit temperature sensor state. The value of 0-200 usually indicates is no limitation.

I2R temperature

There is also an I2R limitation in the controller. This limitation predicts temperature from the actual current in the MOSFETs. This limitation does not have any setting, it is hardcoded in the firmware.