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FW version: Stable

DC motor configuration

The ESC controllers are 3-phase motor controllers, but you can also configure them to drive a DC motor. This means, that you will not use one phase.


Let's say, that it is a workaround. The ESC controllers are not designed for DC motors, but they can be used for this purpose. Mostly because you are paying for the 3-phase motor controller, but you are using only 2 phases.

How to configure

  1. Connect DC motor between Phase A and Phase B. Phase C is not used.
  2. Run the following script to configure the ESC controller to drive a DC motor:
    restore -y /driver/motor
    restore -y /driver/dac
    restore -y /driver/rest

    set /driver/prest 0
    set /driver/rest/omega 0
    set /driver/pid_id/i 0
    set /driver/pid_id/p 0
    set /driver/vcf 12

    save -y


  • Do not use identrun and identlin commands.
  • Motor RPM reading will not work. (And also speed limiter)