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FW version: Stable

Motor identification

This article describes how to perform identification of parameters, needed for motor running in sensor mode. This process is diferent for VECTOR and BLDC algorithm.


WARNING! The motor will spin during the procedure!

  • Sensored mode means that the position of the rotor is obtained from motor sensor (MSENS) and sends a rotor position signal to the controller. This signal is processed according to the type of sensor and gives appropriate information about the rotor position to the driver control algorithm.

  • Sensorless mode means that the position of the rotor is calculated from a measurement on motor phases during the motor operation by the controller.


If you do not know how to execute command, change parameters, save parameters, please check YOS documentation before continue YOS

VECTOR driver

VECTOR algorithm is more sensitive to proper motor identification.

Winding resistance & inductance is obtained by automated measurement of the motor by the controller using command identlin (described in this article). The motor constant is obtained during identrun procedure

Manual identification process

  1. Make sure that the motor shaft is unloaded and the motor is mounted safely
  2. Make sure that the motor phases and rotor position sensor are connected properly to the controller
  3. Connect a battery and Turn on the controller
  4. Set motor sensor type- run reinit [prest] Motor sensor types - prest
  5. Set appropriate phase curent /driver/iref according motor specification
  6. Save parameters
  7. Run command stop
    1. If /driver/limit is NOT 0. Disable temporary all limiters, otherwise the next step fails.
  8. Run command identrun
  9. The motor will spin and controller will measure motor parameter (motor constant and msens aligement)
    1. For sin/cos sensor, run identrun 3x
  10. Run command identlin
  11. The motor will spin and controller will measure motor parameter (motor resistance and induktances)
  12. Save parameters
Identification when there is load on motor

If you can externally spin the motor, you can use this.

Proces will be same as before, with this exception:

  1. Before running identrun, you will spin the motor externally
  2. Than run command identrun 0 - THE 0 IS IMPORTANT!
  3. After approx 2s pres Enter
  4. Stop spining the motor
  5. If you see "could not identify flux linkage" you were spining the motor slow. Try again with higher speed

  6. Continue with identlin....

Guided identification

You can use scripts for identification.

Script location is usually: c:\silixcon\scripts\First_run\

This script will guide you through the steps.

  1. Run script Motor_sensor_selection
  2. Select motor sensor and confirm Enter
  3. Run script Motor_identification
  4. Read warning
  5. Press Enter and motor will be automatically identified

BLDC driver

Identification of motor for BLDC is same as for VECTOR, only with these exceptions:

  • prest values are different for BLDC
  • BLDC support only hall sensor
  • Skip identlin step
    • identlin command will work, but BLDC driver is not using measured motor params