is an intuitive, control-only frontend GUI dedicated to sending commands to an ESCx controller.
How to run
This plugin is distributed within the standard SWtools package.
- Open emGUI
- Search for controllers
- Click on silispinESCx (top right corner)
This plugin doesn't display any actual states. To monitor states, please combine with siliWatch.
- This tool actively controls the motor command. Do not use it unless you are sure that the spinning motor will not cause any harm or injury.
- Do not use this tool together with driver command over CAN API.
How to use
The top menu allows selecting which discovered device to bind to. You need to select a device first. The menu also shows a shortcut to the emGUI and you may select between dark and light themes.
In the middle part, there are 10 preset command sliders, each of which can be controlled independently. Also, you can select the control mode for each. To send the desired command, just click on run.
Commands in the right section you have these buttons:
- Stop - this put driver into the freewheeling mode
- Run - this will start the driver with defined command and mode
- Release - this will release driver ovveride to the application
- Follow changes - Enable this and with each command or mode change, the driver will react immediately