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FW version: Stable

CAN bus message creation

This is a description of how to create a CAN message for driver and common block API.


By default, 3 bites of CAN ID are reserved for the Sender address. Other bits are for SID (Service ID).


With 3 bites for the address, there are maximum 8 devices o the CAN bus.
This can be changed, there are this possible solutions:

  • It can be hardcoded in OEM FW
  • It can be changed by command msgconf 3 4 0 n
    • Where n is bit count for sender address (more in yOS documentation)
0Sender addr bit 0
1Sender addr bit 1
2Sender addr bit 2
3SID bit 0
4SID bit 1
5SID bit 2
Last bit 10 or 28Standard or extended CAN

Sender address is usually 7, or any unused address.

CAN ID example

Sending message with SID 24 from address 7.
CAN ID = (24 << 3) + 7 = 192 + 7 = 199 (DEC) = 0xC7 (HEX)

CAN message data for unicast

Unicast (datagram contains receiver and sender address)

0Receiver address
1Payload byte 0
2Payload byte 1
3Payload byte 2
4Payload byte 3
5Payload byte 4
6Payload byte 5
7Payload byte 6

CAN message data for multicast

Multicast (datagram contains sender address only)

0Payload byte 0
1Payload byte 1
2Payload byte 2
3Payload byte 3
4Payload byte 4
5Payload byte 5
6Payload byte 6
7Payload byte 7