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FW version: Stable

Common API

This API is for interaction with a common block. Usually reading controller input (gpio, din,...)

Common commands

Message type: unicast SID = 40 Big endian

Play beep

Payload byteValue / typeDescription
06Command - play beep

[More info about note, len and flags]

Get info

Payload byteValueDescription
00Command - get info


Payload byteValue / typeDescription
00x40Signalize succes
1uint8_tDevice signature
2-5uint32_tProccom API version (current is 2 )

Contactor control

Always check contactor settings. To setup contactor voltage, check parameters in /common/contactor.
If you want to control contactor using this message, make sure, that you disable contactor control from the driver - check parameter /common/contactor/opts

Payload byteValueDescription
04Contactor command
111Contactor command
2UINT8Contactor number
0 = power switch
1-3 = contactor 1-3
3UINT80 = turn contactor off
1 = turn contactor on


Payload byteValue / typeDescription
068Contactor command response
111Contactor command response
2int8_t0 = command succesfully accepted
-1 = error (contactor do not exist, wrong message)