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FW version: Stable

Read/write driver parameters

It is possible to read or write most of the driver parameters.


All here listed messages are unicast with SID = 24


Payload byte position is not corresponding with byte position in transfer layer (CAN, UART, USB, bluetooth...) Before continuing, read carefully how to create a message for:

Message - read parameter with index

This command is used to obtain parameters of Driver, indexing in array is possible.

Payload byteDescription
1ID of requested parameter
2Index of the member of the array. Use 0x00 index for non-array items. Value 0xFF is reserved for error indication and can not be used for array indexing.


Payload byteDescription
1ID of requested parameter
2Index of the member of the array. Use 0x00 index for non-array items. If the value is 0xFF, following two bytes contains error code.
3 -6Data. Length depend on datatype of transfered parameter. (bigendian, MSB first)

Message - write parameter with index

This command is used to change parameters of Driver. Indexing in array is possible.

Payload byteDescription
1ID of requested parameter
2Index of the member of the array. Use 0x00 index for non-array items. Value 0xFF is reserved for error indication and can not be used for array indexing.
3 -6Data. Length depend on datatype of transfered parameter. (bigendian, MSB first)


Payload byteDescription
1ID of requested parameter
2Index of the member of the array. Use 0x00 index for non-array items. If the value is 0xFF, following two bytes contains error code.
3 - 4If succesfull, these bytes are omnited. Or parameter error response.

Message - read parameter with index and datatype conversion

This command is used to obtain parameters of Driver. The datatype of parameter will be converted and send with requested datatype.

Payload byteDescription
1ID of requested parameter
2Requested type code. For value 0x00 will be used native data format, if the data format is specifed, sent parameter will be converted to this format, if possible.


Payload byteDescription
1ID of requested parameter
2Index of the member of the array. Use 0x00 index for non-array items. If the value is 0xFF, following two bytes contains error code.
3 -6Data. Length depend on datatype of transfered parameter. (bigendian, MSB first)

Message - write parameter with index and datatype conversion

This command is used to change parameters of Driver. The datatype of recieved parameter is in given format.

Payload byteDescription
1ID of requested parameter
2Requested type code. For value 0x00 will be used native data format, if the data format is specifed, sent parameter will be converted to this format, if possible.
3 -6Data. Length depend on datatype of transfered parameter. (bigendian, MSB first)


Payload byteDescription
1ID of requested parameter
2Index of the member of the array. Use 0x00 index for non-array items. If the value is 0xFF, following two bytes contains error code.
3 - 4If succesfull, these bytes are omnited. Or parameter error response.

Datatypes code

Datatype codeDatatype
0x00not specified, use native datatype

Parameter error response

-1Parameter id out of range. (invalid value)
-2Parameter not exist
-3Variable exists, but it is not parameter (unable to write)
-4Send value is lower than parameter minimum
-5Send value is higher than parameter maximum
-6Parameter is discrete. Wrong value.

Message - read API version and driver type

Payload byteDescription


Payload byteDescription
1Driver type. VECTOR = 0x20, BLDC = 0x10
2-5[uint32] Driver API version

Actual API version is 2