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FW version: Stable

How to control a motor using CAN bus

What do you need to prepare before:

  • The controller is turned ON
  • CANbus works properly
  • The controller CAN address is set to 0
  • All the values are in big-endian

Step 1: Compose the CAN frame

We will use driver command with fixed point.

Byte 0Byte 1Byte 2 - Byte 3
Receiver address
Driver mode 3
Motor command INT16
0.1 = 3276 = 0x0CCC

The motor should spin at 10% of the nominal RPM


There is a watchdog set for 200ms. To keep the motor spinning it is necessary to send the motor command frame (0xCF) periodically with a cycle time below 200 ms

How to compute CAN ID

SID is 25, sender adress is 7 -> (25 « 3) + 7 = 200 + 7 = 207 (DEC) = 0xCF

Step 2: Receive response

There is no response to this message.