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FW version: Stable

Shell commands for IFT family

Documentation for all the commands under the common block of IFT family.

  • All arguments in <> brackets are mandatory and all arguments in [] brackets are optional.
  • rule of thumb: If you are having issues with running some of the commands, make sure all options ALWAYS come before the arguments: ls foo -l => ls -l foo.


led [led id] [command]

Using this command you can override control of LEDs.

  • This command is not checking if LED is present, or not.
  • Calling this without [command], will release LED override.
  • Calling only led, you will release all overrides.
led idDescription
2Green turn signal LED
3Blue high beam LED
1Turn LED on
0Turn LED off

Return value

Return valueDescription
1LED override released (LED is controlled by APP)
0LED is overriden by this command
-1Error, wrong LED ID
VDS-felix>led 1 1
# MIL LED is now ON
VDS-felix>led 1
# mil led is not controller by application


Shutdown display and controller.

  • If "flip-flop" circuit is present, display is shutdown and all connected devices. "POWER" pin of display is connected to P_GND.
  • If "flip-flop" circuit is NOT present, display do reset.

Return value

No return value.