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FW version: Stable


There are two categories of commands you can find in the system:

  • built-in commands : they are integral part of YOS and are available in each device running YOS
  • application-dependent commands : they belongs to other blocks of firmware, not directly to YOS. Their availability and behavior could be dependent on product application. These commands are described in rest of documentation: Datasheets, Application manual and Driver manual.

Built-in commands

  • All arguments in <> brackets are mandatory and all arguments in [] brackets are optional.
  • rule of thumb: If you are having issues with running some of the commands, make sure all options ALWAYS come before the arguments: ls foo -l => ls -l foo.
  • Commands have return values. Every time the command is run, value of /vars/retval is set to the return value of executed command. Negative return value means error during command execution, zero or positive value is for command successfull execution. Value of /vars/retval could be tested to verify successfull command execution.