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FW version: Stable

Interface manipulation commands

msgconf [-y] [interface] [cfg0] [cfg1] [cfg2] [cfg3]

Prints or sets configuration of communication interfaces.

Printing the configurations

Command msgconf [interface] prints the configuration of the given interface. Command msgconf prints all the interfaces and their configurations in a shorter format.

Setting the configurations

Command msgconf [interface] [cfg0] [cfg1] [cfg2] [cfg3] sets [interface] to given configurations [cfg0], [cfg1], [cfg2] and [cfg3]. If the [cfg1] - [cfg3] values are not entered, zeroes are configured (as defaults). If only [cfg0] is given, it is taken as a single 32-bit number. The special values for these numbers are: 0 - disable the current interface and ?1 - set the given interface to the release-specific default configuration.

  • [interface] is a 4-bit number that identifies the communication interface. The numbers assignment is listed in the table below.

  • [cfg0], [cfg1], [cfg2] and, [cfg3] are four 8-bit numbers in the range 0 - 255 that specify the setting of the communication interface. If these four numbers would be merged into one 32-bit number, [cfg0] would be the LSB, and [cfg3] would be the MSB.

  • Option -y will auto-confirm the changes (otherwise a (y/n) ? prompt will appear).

Interface IDs

[interface] numberInterface

Interface-specific configuration

This section covers only the most common interfaces and their typical use cases. For greater detail, please refer to siliXcon.


Description of how to read and set configuration for the CAN Interface ([interface] number 3 or 4).

  • [cfg0] - indirectly sets the speed of the interface. It is a prescaler of the maximum CAN speed - 2 Mbps. Possible values and their meaning is in the table below.
[cfg0] valueSpeed
12 Mbit/s
21 Mbit/s - default setting in most releases
4500 kbit/s
5400 kbit/s
8250 kbit/s
10200 kbit/s
16125 kbit/s
20100 kbit/s
  • [cfg1] - configures the CAN timing. The value 0 is default and other values are reserved for further definition.
  • [cfg2] - configures the (n) bits used for the transmitter address in the CAN ID for unicast and multicast messages. If this value is set to 0, a default value of n = 3 is used. Other values are reserved for further definition.
  • [cfg3] - reserved for further definition.


  • [cfg0] - sets baud-rate of selected UART interface in the following way:
[cfg0] valueBaud rate
81200 bps
92400 bps
104800 bps
119600 bps
1219200 bps
1338400 bps
1457600 bps
15115200 bps
16230400 bps
17460800 bps
18921600 bps
  • [cfg1], [cfg2] and [cfg3] - configure the UART mode and timings. The default values are 0 which denotes the 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit. Other values are reserved for further definition.

Return value

When called with arguments, returns the current or set value of that interface. When called without arguments returns 0.


msgconf 3 8 0 4 6sets speed od first CAN interface to 250 kbit/s with default timing, uses 4 bits for transmitter address in CAN 2.0a and 6 bits for transmitter address in CAN 2.0b
msgconf 3 -1sets the first CAN interface to release-specific default configuration
msgconf 3 0disables the first CAN interface
msgconf 3 4sets the speed of the first CAN interface to 500 kbit/s (other configuration remains default)
msgconf 1 15 0 0 0sets UART COM to baud rate 115200 bps, 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit (115200 kbps is the default setting in most releases). Zeroes at the end could be omitted, command msgconf 1 15 has the same effect

msginit <interface> <cfg0> [cfg1] [cfg2] [cfg3] [-y]

Works similarly to msgconf (for more info look above), but only for setting the configuration. The only difference is that msginit DOES NOT save the changes to flash memory. This means that the changes you make with msginit will be lost after reboot.

msghost [-e/-d] <dest> <interface>

Changes the host address to <dest> and specifies over what interface will the communication take place. In other words, redirects the communication with the host (for example SWTools) to the specified address over the specified interface.

  • <dest> - address of the target device. It is a number in range 0 - 255.
  • <interface> - number of the used interface. For more info on which number represents which interface, look at the Interface IDs table.

With options -e (short for enable) / -d (short for disable), you can disable/enable the stream output from the controller to the host. The controller will save the unsent data to a buffer (buffer has limited storage), and send it after the stream output is enabled again (with -e). When not specified the option stays as is.

Return value

Returns 0 if and only if the command was successfully executed.

protoconf [-y] [interface] [conf]

Command for viewing and changing service protocols for interfaces.

  • -y option, if present no confirmation prompt is displayed.
  • [interface] interface number according to Interface IDs table.
  • [conf] a number representing what services to enable and what to disable. A negative value means default configuration, otherwise, each bit in the number represents one service protocol, 1 for enable and 0 for disable. Look at the table below to see the bit assignment.

The command can be run with 0 arguments, 1 argument, and 2 arguments. When run without arguments, lists all interfaces along with their configurations. If run with only one argument, prints configuration for given [interface] or if the argument is -1 then sets all interfaces to the default configuration. If run with all arguments enables and disables service protocols for a given interface.

Protocols number assignment

Bit positionService protocol
0PWR (power) - controls device power state.
1FWR (forward) - forwards messages from one interface to another.
3ID (identification) - transfers device metadata (HWID, SWID, UUID ...).
4FS (filesystem) - filesystem transfer, used by emGUI.
5RPC (remote procedure call) - executing commands in the controller, used by emGUI.
6STREAM - default standard input/output streaming, used by Terminal emulator.

Return value

When called with arguments, returns the current/set value of the given service protocol.


<outputs 15 lines>

Prints configuration for each interface.

AM-felix#>protoconf -1
reset all protos to default (-1)
(y/n) ?

Sets all interfaces to default configurations.

AM-felix#>protoconf 3 0b11110111
configuring proto 3 as 247 (247)
(y/n) ?

Enables all service protocols except for ID service for interface number 3 (CAN).

term <dest> <interface> [data]

Starts remote terminal session over desired <interface> to given <dest>. Could be ended by writing quit in the remote terminal. [data] should be a command that we wish to run in the remote terminal. If present, only the given command is run and the remote terminal ends right after that. If [data] is not given, the remote terminal will stay open.

  • <dest> - address of the target device. It is a number in range 0 - 255.
  • <interface> - number of the used interface. For more info on which number represents which interface, look at the Interface IDs table.
  • [data] - command we wish to run on the device we are connecting to. Can be multiple words (meaning spaces allowed).

Return value

Returns 0 if and only if the command was successfully executed.


AM-felix#>term 0 3 run 0 0

Will connect to a device at address 0 over CAN interface (more info in the interface table), then runs command run 0 0 and disconnect.

AM-felix#>term 0 3

Same as the upper example, but won't run any commands and will stay connected.

send -i<interface> [-n<mode>] -a<address> -f<flags> -s<SID> <data/variable>

Send a message to the given address via the desired interface. The message can be just bytes represented by numbers in range 0 - 255 or a name of a variable, in that case, the whole variable is sent.

  • -i<interface> - number of the interface that will be used to send the message. For number assignment to the desired interface refer to Interface IDs table.
  • -n<mode> - sets interface, but you are able to set multiple interfaces at once. For more information look below.
  • -a<address> - address of the receiver. It has to be a number in range 0 - 255. Address 255 is used for broadcast messages.
  • -f<flags> - flags for the message. It has to be a number in range 0 - 255.
  • -s<SID> - SID of the target service.
  • <data/variable>
    • data - bytes of the message to be sent. You can send more than one byte. Bytes are separated by space. Each byte is represented by a number in range 0 - 255.
    • variable - name of the variable we want to send.

Difference between -i and -n

You can declare which interface you want to use with both -i and -n, beware that the latter choice will overwrite the previous. For example, if you choose 3 interfaces with -n and then choose another interface x with -i, x will be the only selected interface.

As you know from the Interface IDs table, each interface has its own number. In reality, these numbers represent bit-positions. For example, CAN has interface number 3, which means that if bit number 3 is 1 then CAN interface will be selected.

When using the -i, you are selecting one interface number, and what internally happens is that we create a number that has 1 (in binary terms) in that specified bit. For example, if you declare -i3, the created number will be 1000 in binary (1 left-bitshifted 3 times).

On the other hand, if you use the -n options, we let you create the final number and give it to us. For example, you can pass -n10. The given number is 10, converted to binary 1010, which means you selected two interfaces, interface numbers 3 and 1.

Return value

Returns 0 if and only if the command was successfully executed.


Send data over can and after receive them in different device:


AM-felix#>var mydata_tx.8 uint8
AM-felix#>set mydata_tx.0 0x10
AM-felix#>set mydata_tx.1 0x20
AM-felix#>send -i3 -f1 -s0x700 mydata_tx


AM-felix#>var mydata_rx.8 uint8
AM-felix#>receive -i3 -f1 -s0x700 mydata_rx
AM-felix#>send -s2 -a7 -i3 15 15 84

Sends 3 bytes (values 15, 15 and 84) to a device o address 7 via interface number 3 and sid 2.

AM-felix#>send -s2 -a7 -i3 vars/ticks

Sends variable ticks in directory vars over the same route.

receive -i<interface> [-n<mode>] -a<address> -f<flags> -s<sid> -t<sid2> [variable]

Starts service that listens for messages incoming from a given address through a given interface. It can receive data (bytes) or variables. When receiving data (by not specifying [variable] argument) and a message comes, it is printed to the standard output (redirected usually to terminal). If [variable] is given and a message comes, the command will load [variable] with the received data.

Running service could be stopped by running the command receive without parameters.

  • -i<interface> a number of the physical interface to listen. For number assignment to the desired interface refer to Interface IDs table.
  • -n<mode> interface to listen, but you are able to set multiple interfaces at once. For more information look at Difference between -i and -n.
  • -a<address> optional matching address of the sender. It is a number in range 0 - 255.
  • -f<flags> optional flags to filter received message datagram with. It is a number in range 0 - 255. E.g. to disable link layer decoding, select BROADCAST datagram (-f1).
  • -s<sid> optional matching sid of the message. E.g. when CAN interface and BROADCAST datagram is selected (-f1), the <sid> value corresponds to the CAN ID.
  • -t<mask> optional mask that defines bits that must match incoming message's SID and the value specified with -s<sid>. If you want -t to have any effect, use it after -s.
  • [variable] an optional name of the variable to store the received data into. The specified variable has to be write-accessible by the logged user.

The syntax is similar to send; we don't pass any arguments when receiving data.

Return value

Returns the number of received messages.

setaddr [-y] <new address>

Sets address of the device to value of argument <new address>. An address is a number in range 0 - 255 and is used in any type of communication with the device. The default address of each device is 0. If the address is changed, change takes place after device restart. Address change is immediately written to the flash memory, there is no need to save this change manually.

The range 0 - 255 is the maximum range, which can be further reduced by the used communication protocol. For example, CAN bus has only 3 bits reserved for address by default (more info in msgconf). This results in an address range 0 - 7. Setting device address beyond these limits will make the device not reachable via the communication interface.

After the device restarts, terminal (or other communication channel from which was the address changed) has to be reconfigured to communicate with the new address.

With -y option present, no confirmation prompt is displayed.

Return value

Returns 0 if and only if the command was successfully executed.