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FW version: Stable

How to change CAN speed

  • The device CAN speed is persistent and it is stored in the device's flash memory.
  • The speed does not change with the new firmware upload.
  • The default speed is 1000 kbps.

Using term

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Login to the device.
  3. Run the command msgconf 3 4 to set the speed to 500 kbps.
  4. Confirm
  5. Reboot the device.
  6. Change the speed of the CAN interface on the PC side. In the Launchpad settings, change options to 0,4. (Do this only if you are connected using kvaser. If you are connected using USB, leave the options empty.)


CAN speed options

The CAN speed can be set by the msgconf command. The command has the following syntax: msgconf 3 [speed_conf]

[speed_conf] valueSpeed
12 Mbit/s
21 Mbit/s - default setting in most releases
4500 kbit/s
5400 kbit/s
8250 kbit/s
10200 kbit/s
16125 kbit/s
20100 kbit/s

Read the current CAN speed

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Login to the device.
  3. Run the command msgconf 3

read can speed