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FW version: Stable



  • A set of guides on how to use the plot/scope is available in the swtools manual.

YOS devices are equipped with logging/sampling service for debugging and real-time viewing of its internal states. Data could be saved to internal memory, send out via communication interfaces or both. The term plot denotes table that contains list of sampled internal state variables and their settings. Each YOS device have four such tables and each table can contain up to eight internal state variables, in this situation called trends. Idea of sampling is very similar to digital oscilloscope, one plot is like one oscilloscope and one trend corresponds to one channel of oscilloscope.

The samples can be either:

  • sent out through a communications interface. Plot is usually used together with scope tool. Please refer to the scope manual or this guide for more information.
  • saved to the internal memory, called 'proclog'. When memory is full, depending on the setting, the sampling either stops or the oldest data are rewritten with the newest one : this mechanism is called cyclic buffer.

Like digital oscilloscopoe, plot has several working modes: Plotcan be configured to configure sampling in the following modes:

  • Periodic : sampling is started once and continues until reset or stop by user.
  • Single shot : sampling is triggered by the user, by a script or within the firmware from the observed process.

Independently, the plot work with two modes:

  • Scalar : value with time triggering : this is the most common mode to observe a time-dependent process inside the device
  • Array : in this mode, all array members are sent out asynchronously and sampling is not time-triggered. The array index mapping scheme is provided by a deicated application or a script.