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FW version: Stable

Pinout and I/O specification

Power connector pinout

Power connection is done by M6 terminals according to this chapter

Signal connector pinout


Signal connector pinout table

Pin numberPin namePin numberPin name

USB-B connector pinout


USB-B connector pinout table

Pin numberPin name

Pin detailed specifications

Power circuit


The power circuit provides power to the controller's logic. Power to the internal SMPS (Switched-Mode Power Supply) is controlled by an electronic switch. There are several options for powering on/off, which are described below.

  • The device turns on once battery voltage is applied to the Key pin and a voltage above 10V is applied to the power pin. The latching function of the flip-flop ensures that it remains turned on even when the voltage on the power pin is disengaged.
  • The device turns off once a voltage below 1V is applied to the power pin.
  • It is also possible to turn off the device by FW.

Internal HW configuration for this variant:

  • Key resistor - Removed
  • Flip-flop - Attached
  • Internal fuse - Removed

The capacitor precharge starts once the device is turned on


SL_powering_schemeImage generated by Eeschema-SVGGNDGND1u12GNDGND123270k123GND1231215R100n47k1A fast blowGND12GNDGND15R1uGND3A slow blow220Rto internal SMPSpower, key: 0-Vbaton: Vpower > 10Voff: Vpower < 1Vhazard for activation input: 1V < Vpower < 10VTBD: check the notes and levels15R and 1u: filter to prevent oscillation on key, if long wire is used (~1m +)flipflop variant can be turned off from MCU3A slow-blow fuse usually not placed at SL (SL has precharge)to MCU, shutdownGND - Ampseal pin 6POWER - Ampseal pin 20BATT+ power terminalKEY1 - Ampseal pin 1assembled when int. hw. conf.: flip-flop is selectedassembled when int. hw. conf.: Key resistor is selectedassembled when int. hw. conf.: flip-flopis not selected (activation input)assembled when int. hw. conf.:Fuse between Batt+ and KEY is selected


NumberNameFunctionOperating rangeMaximum rating
1KEY1power input for control electronics0 .. Vbat0 .. Vbat
20POWERpower control input (switches controller on/off)0 .. Vbat0 .. Vbat
6GNDpower input ground500 mA

General purpose analog/digital inputs


These five inputs can be used for processing analogue and digital voltage levels in the range from 0 - 10 V. These inputs are galvanically isolated from the Power GND, motor sensor GND and external UART GND. The controller offers three isolated power sources. One with an output voltage of +3 V, the second with +5 V and the last with +10 V. These can be used as a power source for the external components (e.g. throttle). All the power sources together with individual GPIO inputs have 12V TVS protection overvoltage protection and 100mA PTC overcurrent protection. Pull-up and pull-down resistors on all five inputs can be set individually by an FW parameter.


SL_gpioImage generated by Eeschema-SVG100mAIOGND12V12V12VIOGND100mA47k100mAIOGND100mAIO+10VIO+5VIO+3V3IOGNDIOGNDIOGNDIOGND12V10n22kGPIO0, 1, 2, 3, 4 inputAmpseal pins 22, 23, 32, 9, 21IOGND, Ampseal pin 10IO+10V - Ampseal pin 28IO+5V_OUT - Ampseal pin 35IO+3V - Ampseal pin 34galvanically isolated from msens and pwr gndgalvanically connected to usart com and can12V TVS and 100mA PTC at the input of each pinto MCU analog/digital input


NumberNameFunctionOperating rangeMaximum ratingProtection
10IOGNDGPIO ground, isolated from BATT-100 mAgalvanic isolation
22GPIO0Input, isolated from BATT-0 .. 10 V *0 .. 12 Vgalvanic isolation + high impedance + 12 TVS + 100 mA PTC
23GPIO1Input, isolated from BATT-0 .. 10 V *0 .. 12 Vgalvanic isolation + high impedance + 12 TVS + 100 mA PTC
32GPIO2Input, isolated from BATT-0 .. 10 V *0 .. 12 Vgalvanic isolation + high impedance + 12 TVS + 100 mA PTC
9GPIO3Input, isolated from BATT-0 .. 10 V *0 .. 12 Vgalvanic isolation + high impedance + 12 TVS + 100 mA PTC
21GPIO4Input, isolated from BATT-0 .. 10 V *0 .. 12 Vgalvanic isolation + high impedance + 12 TVS + 100 mA PTC
34IO+3V3 V power supply output for GPIO, isolated from BATT-3 V / 100 mA **galvanic isolation + 12 TVS + 100 mA PTC
35IO+5V5 V power supply output for GPIO, isolated from BATT-5 V / 100 mA **galvanic isolation + 12 TVS + 100 mA PTC
28IO+10V10 V power supply output for GPIO, isolated from BATT-10 V / 100 mA **galvanic isolation + 12 TVS + 100 mA PTC

Note *: range could by extended by FW configuration (pull-up and pull-down resistors)
Note **: see Internal supply parameters

Non-isolated Analog/Digital inputs


4 ADIN inputs are for processing application analogue/digital signals (e.g. buttons or analogue voltage). The operating range is 0 V - Vbat. PUPD can be connected (by FW parameter) to KEY (pin 1) or to GND (pin6) acting then as pull-up or pull-down. Also, the threshold for logic 0 and 1 (in the case of digital inputs) can be set by an FW parameter.


SL_adinImage generated by Eeschema-SVGGND100n10kGNDGND10k270kPUPDADIN1, ADIN2, ADIN3, ADIN4Ampseal pins 18, 30, 19, 31GND - Ampseal pin 6PUPD - can be connected to GND (Ampseal pin 6)or KEY (Ampseal pin 1) via electronic switch controlledfrom firmware. There is one swicht shared by all ADIN pinsto MCU analog inputprotection: 0-Vbat tollerantlow/high threshold: 10V (TBD)galvanically connected to pwrgnd and msens gndgalvanically isolated from can gnd uart com gnd and gpio gnd


NumberNameFunctionOperating rangeMaximum ratingprotection
18ADIN1Non-isolated analog/digital input0 .. Vbat0 .. 84 V, 15mAhigh impedance
30ADIN2Non-isolated analog/digital input0 .. Vbat0 .. 84 V, 15mAhigh impedance
19ADIN3Non-isolated analog/digital input0 .. Vbat0 .. 84 V, 15mAhigh impedance
31ADIN4Non-isolated analog/digital input0 .. Vbat0 .. 84 V, 15mAhigh impedance

Digital open-drain outputs


SL controller has a total of 3 digital open-drain outputs, capable of driving an inductive load with a maximum current load capacity of 500 mA each. This output has inbuilt overcurrent and shortcut protection (feedback from current measurement and internal 750 mA reversible fuse). The output voltage can be controlled by PWM. These digital outputs are usually used for driving a battery contactor or external accessories (pumps, fans, etc).


SL_DOUTImage generated by Eeschema-SVG123GND750mA PTCGNDcurrent meas, to MCUCONT1-, CONT2-, CONT3-Ampseal pins 3, 7, 11KEY1 - Ampseal pin 1from MCUCONT1+, CONT2+, CONT3+Ampseal pins 4, 8, 12load, can be inductiveopen-drain outputshortcut and overcurrent protection2A maxpwm capableinductive load capableTBD: review this notes


NumberNameFunctionMaximum ratingProtection
3CONT1-contactor negative terminal, PWM switched to GND500 mAovercurrent protection
7CONT2-contactor negative terminal, PWM switched to GND500 mAovercurrent protection
11CONT3-contactor negative terminal, PWM switched to GND500 mAovercurrent protection
4CONT1+contactor positive terminal500 mAReversible 750mA fuse
8CONT2+contactor positive terminal500 mAReversible 750mA fuse
12CONT3+contactor positive terminal500 mAReversible 750mA fuse

Motor postion sensor


Motor position sensor variant "a" can process 3 hall sensors or sin/cos position sensors and 2 inputs that can be used as non-isolated digital inputs (more information about DINs here ).

HALLV/SIN and HALLU/COS inputs have combined functions. These inputs can process digital as well as analogue signals, which means that can be used for sensing two state Halls and also sin and cosine signals. HALLW/COM can be used only for sensing digital signals. All these inputs work in the range from 0 - 5 V. Reference potential is shared with the main GND (internally connected to BATT-).


SL_MSENSaImage generated by Eeschema-SVGGND+5VGND62R1nGNDA22k4k762R1n22k12V100mA3V61nGND8A slow1n+5V3V622k+5V4k71-2+3100mA+5VGNDGNDGND22k4k74k7GNDGND+5V1k2GND8A slowGNDGND4k712V100mA12V12V100mA1nGND+5VGND1k2to MCU digital input/outputENCB/DATA - Ampseal pins 25HALL+5V - Ampseal pin 26ENCA/CLK - Ampseal pin 145V pull-up for open-drain hall sensors0-5V operating range12V abs. maxGND galvanically connected to power gndgalvanically isolated from can, uart com and gpioTBD: check these notesto MCU digital input/outputto MCU digital inputto MCU analog/digital inputHALL_GND - Ampseal pin 15HALLU/COS, HALLV/SINAmpseal pins 5, 17HALLW/COM - Ampeal pin 291-2+3GNDA


NumberNameFunctionOperating rangeMaximum ratingProtection
15HALLGNDground for msens inputs and supply100 mAslowblow fuse
26HALL+5V5 V power supply output for msens5 V / 100 mA*overcurrent and shortcut
5HALLU/COSHALLU (max. 1 V for LOW, min 4 V for HIGH), COS0 .. 5 V0 .. 12 Vhigh impedance, 100mA PTC, 12V TVS
17HALLV/SINHALLV (max. 1 V for LOW, min 4 V for HIGH), SIN0 .. 5 V0 .. 12 Vhigh impedance, 100mA PTC, 12V TVS
29HALLW/COMHALLW (max. 1 V for LOW, min 4 V for HIGH), COM0 .. 5 V0 .. 12 Vhigh impedance, 100mA PTC, 12V TVS
14ENCA/CLKEXC+0 .. 5 V0 .. 12 Vhigh impedance, 100mA PTC, 12V TVS
25ENCB/DATAEXC-0 .. 5 V0 .. 12 Vhigh impedance, 100mA PTC, 12V TVS

Note **: see Internal supply parameters

Motor temperature sensor


The motor temperature sensor circuit is designed to work with resistance ranging from 100 Ohms up to 10 kOhms. The TEMP pin has an internal pull-up connected to 5 V, providing power for the motor temperature sensor.


SL_TEMPImage generated by Eeschema-SVGGND22k10k100mAGND1u+5V8A slow12VGNDGNDA1nGND4k74V7TEMP - Ampseal pin 33HALL_GND - Ampseal pin 15galvanically connected to the power gndconnect resistive sensor, range?TBD: check the notesto MCU analog input


NumberNameFunctionOperating rangeMaximum ratingProtection
15HALLGNDMSENS GND100 mAslowblow fuse
33TEMPmotor temperature sensor input0 .. 5 V0 .. 12 Vhigh impedance, 100mA PTC, 12V TVS

CAN communication interface


CAN communication interface is galvanically isolated from the main power GND. 120 Ohm terminator can be activated via an internal jumper on request or by installing a jumper on the pins closer to the main signal connector. Position of the jumper can be found here. Each pin is protected by 100 mA reversible fuse. CANL and CANH pins have also 12V TVS overvoltage protection.


SL_CANImage generated by Eeschema-SVG12V100mAIOGNDIOGND12VIOGND100mA12120R100mAGNDTXD1GND2VCC3RXD4CANL6CANH7S8IO+5V1234IO+5VIOGNDIOGNDVDD11INA12OUTB13GND14GND25INB26OUTA27VDD28int. hw. conf: assembled, when canterm is selected(jumper next to USB connector under the cover)CANTERM - Ampseal pin 2CANH - Ampseal pin 13CANL - Ampseal pin 24IOGND - Ampseal pin 10to MCU CAN RXto MCU CAN TXprotection:- isolated from GND, PWRGND- CANL, CANH - abs. max +/- 70V (see TCAN1042 datasheet)- 12V TVS and 100mA PTC at the input of each pin100mA100mA100mA


NumberNameFunctionOperating rangeMaximum ratingProtection
2CANTERM120 Ohm terminator output0 - 5 Vgalvanic isolation, 100 mA PTC
13CANHCAN communication, isolated from BATT-0 - 5 V+/- 70 V*galvanic isolation, 100 mA PTC, 12 V TVS
24CANLCAN communication, isolated from BATT-0 - 5 V+/- 70 V*galvanic isolation, 100 mA PTC, 12 V TVS
10IOGNDIO common ground, isolated from BATT-100 mAgalvanic isolation

Note *: +/- 70V between CANL and CANH only when CAN_GND is connected to neither of these two pins. Other possibilities have not been tested. Contact siliXcon for more information.

Isolated USART communication interface


UARTcom communication interface is galvanically isolated from the main power GND. RX and TX have an operating range of 0 - 5 V. UART interface has also a dedicated 5 V power source for external accessories.


SL_UARTcomImage generated by Eeschema-SVG12V100mAIOGNDIOGND100mA100mA62RIOGNDIOGND12VGNDVDD11INA12OUTB13GND14GND25INB26OUTA27VDD28IOGND62R12VIO+5VIO+5V22kTXD - Ampseal pin 27IOGND - Ampseal pin 10RXD - Ampseal pin 16IO+5V_OUT - Ampseal pin 35to MCU TXto MCU RXprotection:- isolated from gnd, pwrgnd- 12V TVS and 100mA PTC at the input of each pin- RX, TX: 0-5.5V abs max (TBD)12V100mAVDD11INA12OUTB13GND14GND25INB26OUTA27VDD28IOGND62R12VIO+5V


NumberNameFunctionOperating rangeMaximum ratingProtection
16RXDUSART communication, isolated from BATT-0 - 5 V0 V .. 5.5 Vgalvanic isolation, 100 mA PTC, 12 V TVS
27TXDUSART communication, isolated from BATT-0 - 5 V0 V .. 5.5 Vgalvanic isolation, 100 mA PTC, 12 V TVS
35IO+5V_OUTIsolated power +5 V supply100 mA*galvanic isolation, 100 mA PTC, 12 V TVS
10IOGNDIO common ground, isolated from BATT-100 mAgalvanic isolation

Note *: see Internal supply parameters

USB communicaton interface


USB communication interface is there only for parametrization purposes. This interface is not galvanically isolated from the power GND.


Do not use USB communication with a PC once the motor is driven. There is a risk of damage to the controller or the PC.


SL_USBImage generated by Eeschema-SVG3V6GND10RGND3V6100mA100mA1234GND10R18pGNDGND18p1k8V+3V3GND4k7GNDVBUS - USB-B connector pin1D+ - USB-B connector pin 3D- - USB-B connector pin 2USBGND - USB-B connectorpin 4 and caseto MCU usbdpto MCU usbdmto LDO, which powers MCU3V6100mA10R18p


NumberNameFunctionOperating rangeMaximum rating
1VBUS5 V power supply input5 V5.5 V
4USBGNDUSB ground100 mA
3D+Data +3.3 V3.6 V
2D-Data -3.3 V3.6 V

Internal supply parameters

Supply branchOutputsMaximum branch current
Unisolatedpin 26 - +5V_MSENS100 mA
Isolatedpin 28 - IO+10V, pin 35 - IO+5V, pin 34 - IO+5V50 mA *

Note *: Minimum supply voltage to achieve this parameter is 32 V. If load on unisolated branch is at least 50 mA, minimum supply voltage can be as low as 22 V.

Maximum allowed total current

Controller power feature variantUsed supplyMaximum total current
eLM5008150 mA


The controller has two grounding potentials GND and GNDIO. This ensures lower signal interferences and also acts as a protection mechanism. For some applications, these two grounding potentials can be an unwanted feature. It is possible to connect these two grounds externally by the jumper under the USB cover.