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FW version: Stable

Product specification

Physical characteristics

  • width: 80.6 mm
  • height: 139.3 mm
  • thickness: 47 mm (53 mm with M6 cable lug and M6 screw)
  • weight: 660 g

SX controller drawings and 3D models

General specification

Switching frequency20 kHz
Maximal motor electrical revolutions100000 eRPM
Minimal motor inductance15 μH

Electrical specification

Input voltage rating

Maximum input voltage

Voltage variantTransistorsMaximum working voltageFull limitation voltageCritical error voltage (max)Li-ion battery nominal voltageLi-ion series cells count
0880 V60 V67 V75 V50.4 V14S
10100 V76 V83 V92 V64.8 V18S
11100 V84 V92 V95 V72 V20S

Minimum input (supply) voltage

Voltage variantTransistorsMinimum working voltageThreshold voltageCritical error voltage (min)
0880 V24 V *22 V *15 V *
10100 V24 V *22 V *15 V *
11100 V24 V *22 V *15 V *

Note *: Controller variants with LM5008 supply may need minimum voltage 32 V.

Terms explanation:

  • The controller delivers maximal current without limitation if the battery voltage is below the Maximum working voltage and above the Minimum working voltage.
  • The output current is proportionally limited if the battery voltage is above the Maximum working voltage and below the Full limitation voltage. This is indicated by the "Overvoltage" status.
  • The output current is fully limited if the battery voltage is above the Full limitation voltage and below the Critical error voltage (max). This state is indicated by the "Overvoltage" status. The controller automatically recovers if the voltage falls below the Full limitation voltage.
  • The controller falls into critical error if the battery voltage exceeds the Critical error voltage (max). The controller can be permanently damaged in this region and does not recover automatically, it needs to be turned OFF and ON again.
  • The output current is proportionally limited if the battery voltage is below the Minimum working voltage and above the Threshold voltage. This is indicated by the "Undervoltage" status.
  • The output current is fully limited if the battery voltage is below the Threshold voltage and above the Critical error voltage (min). This state is indicated by the "Undervoltage" status. The controller automatically recovers if the voltage rises above the Threshold voltage.
  • The controller falls into critical error if the battery voltage falls below the Critical error voltage (min). The controller does not recover automatically, it needs to be turned OFF and ON again.

DC bus capacitance

Voltage variantCapacitance [uF]

Output current and power rating

If you put the controller to heatsink with 60°C temperature, you can reach the following nominal (continuous) parameters.

Nominal parameters24dxa0840, 24kxa084024dxa1040, 24kxa104024dxa1140, 24kxa1140
Maximum power dissipation (60°C heatsink)240 W240 W275 W
Nominal power for maximum input voltage14.8 kW @ 60 V17.4 kW @ 76 V23.2 KW @ 84 V
Nominal phase current285 A (201 Arms )265 A (187 Arms)320 A (226 Arms)
Battery current250 A232 A270 A

If the controller is at 35°C, you can reach the following peak parameters for 10 seconds, after that the controller will limit the output power.

Peak parameters24dxa0840, 24kxa084024dxa1040, 24kxa104024dxa1140, 24kxa1140
Peak power (10 sec)19 kW @ 60 V (dP = 380 W)22.2 kW @ 76 V (dP = 380 W)27.8 kW @ 84 V (dP = 380W)
Peak phase current (10 sec, amplitude)366 A337 A382 A
Absolute phase limit valuesVariant independent
Motor standstill (I2R limiter, hardcoded)300 A
Motor rotating (ipeak max efective value)400 A

*When the motor is rotating, the current is divided into all three phases. This is the reason, why the limit current is higher when motor is rotating.

Measurement accuracy

Phase current±5 %
DC current±5 %
Input DC voltage±5 %
GPIO input voltage±2 %

Thermal specification

Maximum power losses

Controller maximum temperature is internally limited to approximately 100°C. The maximum output current (or maximum power losses) for this limiting temperature is given by the temperature of the heatsink. Dependencies are given in the following graphs.


All the data in the graphs below are valid for VECTOR control algorithm.

graph-iref-temp graph-dP-temp

Example on how to get heatsink thermal resistance

This example with AX controller shows on how to get required heatsink thermal resistance based on the required phase current amplitude and surrounding temperature.

  1. Define the required phase current (Iphase=50I_{phase} = 50 A for the example)
  2. Get maximum permissible heatsink temperature from the graph "Dependency of heatsink temperature on phase current amplitude" (Ths=57°CT_{hs} = 57°C from the example)
  3. Put the temperature value to the graph "Dependency of heatsink temperature on power losses"
  4. Get required power that needs to be dissipated by the heatsink (P=33P = 33 W from the example)


  1. Define the ambient operating temperature (Tamb=25T_{amb} = 25 °C for the example)
  2. Calculate required thermal resistance of the heatsink by using this equation Rhs=ThsTambP=5725330.97R_{hs}=\dfrac{T_{hs} - T_{amb}}{P} =\dfrac{57 - 25}{33} \approx 0.97 °C/W
  3. You can design your heatsink now!

Environmental specification

Operation temperature (no limitation*)-20°C .. 60°C
Operation temperature (with power limitation*)-20°C .. 85°C
Humidity5 % .. 85 % (not tested)
Ingress of water (Superseal connector unmated)IPX0
Ingress of water (Superseal connector mated)IPX7

*power output limitation depends on cooling, not only on ambient temperature

Standards compliance


Bulk Current InjectionISO 11452-4: 2020
Radiated ImmunityISO 11452-2: 2019
Radiated EmissionsČSN EN 55025, ed. 3, art. 6.5

Mechanical tests

Sinusoidal vibrationČSN EN 60068-2-6 ed. 2, test Fc*
Vibration testČSN EN 60068-2-64 ed. 2, test Fh**

*Sweep rate: 1 oct./min; Number of Test Cycles: 20 sweep cycles each axis; Axes of vibration: 3 (X, Y, Z); Acceleration profile according to Class 5M3 (ČSN EN 60721-3-5); Requested sine acceleration profile: 7.5 mm for 2 Hz ≤ f ≤ 8 Hz, 20 m/s2 for 8 Hz < f ≤ 200 Hz, 40 m/s2 for 200 Hz < f ≤ 500 Hz

**Acceleration profile according to Class 5M3 (ČSN EN 60721-3-5); Requested ASD level: 3.0 (m/s2)2/Hz for 10 Hz ≤ f ≤ 200 Hz, 1.0 (m/s2)2/Hz for 200 Hz < f ≤ 500 Hz; Effective acceleration: 29.5 m/s2; DOF: 190; σ-clipping: 3; Pre-test acceleration levels: -9 dB for 4 min 30 s, -6 dB for 15 s, -3 dB for 15 s; Duration: 8 hours each axis; Axes of vibration: 3 (X, Y, Z)