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FW version: Stable

Pinout and I/O specification

Power connector pinout


Signal connector pinout


Signal connector pinout table


Pinout of the TX signal connector is the same as the AX signal connector.

Pin numberPin namePin numberPin name

Pin detailed specifications

Controller grounds connection


The controller contains several grounds which are connected to the connectors' pins as shown in the sheme below. Connection between controller heatsink and batt- terminal is also depicted here. Galvanic isolation between GND, GNDIO and ODINs is meant only as functional isolation to prevent communication interfaces from noise. During normal operation voltage between GND, GNDIO and ODINs should be close to zero (several volts maximum).


TX gnd schemeImage generated by Eeschema-SVG10R / 500 mW, anti-surge100n / 500VGNDIOGND+5VGNDGNDGNDPWR220k+5V100n/100V47k/250mWODIN4+hall gnd - pin 10usb gnd - pin 31uart gnd - pin 36ODIN3-ODIN3+gpio gnd - pins 29, 23batt- terminalcan gnd - pin 1power gnd - pin 21controller heatsinkODIN4-assembled when int. hw. conf. odin pull-up or pull-down is selectedodins are osilated from everything else(if pull-up or pull-downresistors are not assembled)int. hw. conf: assembled, when gnd_conn is selected

Power circuit


The power circuit provides power to the controller's logic. Power to the internal SMPS (Switched-Mode Power Supply) is controlled by an electronic switch. There are several options for powering on/off, which are described below.

  • The device turns on when the battery voltage is applied to the battery terminals and off when removed.

Internal HW configuration for this variant:

  • Constant ON - Attached
  • Internal fuse - Attached


TX powering schemeImage generated by Eeschema-SVG12V100kGND3A slow blow12312VGNDGNDGND33k1233k100k123BATT+ power terminalKEY - iGrid pin 22POWER - iGrid pin 19POWERGND - iGrid pin 21to internal SMPSassembled when int. hw. conf.: constant on is selectedpower: 0-Vbaton: Vpower > 10Voff: Vpower < 1Vhazard: 1V < Vpower < 10VTBD: check the notes and levels33k123


NumberNameFunctionOperating rangeMaximum ratingProtection
22KEYpower input for control electronics, connected to BATT+ via 3 A fuse0 .. Vbat0 .. Vbatone-time fuse
19POWERpower control input (switches controller on/off), min. 8 V for on, max. 0.8 V for off0 .. 0.8 V; 10 V .. Vbat0 .. Vbathigh impedance
21POWERGNDpower input ground, internally connected to BATT-100 mA

Voltage between 0.8 V and 8 V on the POWER pin is not allowed, because the controller is in a non-defined state and could be damaged in such a situation.

General purpose analog/digital inputs


Analog inputs are for processing application analog signals (e.g. throttle or brake). Reference potential is shared with the main GND (internally connected to BATT-) Operating range is 0 - 5 V.


TX gpio schemeImage generated by Eeschema-SVG22kGND100nGND10kGND+3.3V10kto MCU analog inputfrom MCU digital outputGPIO0, GPIO1 - iGrid pins 24, 26GPIO GND - iGrid pins 23, 29operating range: 0-5Vabs. max. 6.6Vno reverse polarity protectioninput signal related to gnd (connected to hall gnd and pgnd)TBD: check these notes


NumberNameFunctionOperating rangeMaximum rating
23GPIO GNDground for gpios, connected internally to BATT-50 mA
29GPIO GNDground for gpios, connected internally to BATT-50 mA
25GPIO +5V5 V power supply for gpio inputs5 V / 50 mA*
27GPIO +5V5 V power supply for gpio inputs5 V / 50 mA*
24GPIO0Input, max. 2% measurement error0 .. 5 V0 V .. 6.6 V
26GPIO1Input, max. 2% measurement error0 .. 5 V0 V .. 6.6 V

Note *: see Internal supply parameters

Optically isolated digital inputs


Digital inputs are for processing application digital signals (e.g. buttons or PPM signals). The operating range is 10 V - 60 V for logic 1 and 0 V - 3 V for logic 0. ODIN+ pin is tolerant to full battery voltage. In the default configuration, they are completely isolated from other controllers' circuits (this is not true if the pull-up or pull-down jumper is used). This input can also measure pulse length (PPM).


TX odin schemeImage generated by Eeschema-SVG12+5V+3.3V12344u7GNDGND4k7122k2protection:- isolated from GND, PWRGND, IOGND and the other ODIN- no reverse polarity protection- capable to withstand batt+ between odin+ and odin-notes:- capable to read RC PWM (800-2200us pulse, 22.5ms period)- TBD: check these notesassembled when int. hw. conf. odin pull-up or pull-down is selectedto MCU digital inputODIN3+, ODIN4+ - iGrid pins 13, 14ODIN3+, ODIN4+ - iGrid pins 12, 15


NumberNameFunctionOperating rangeMaximum ratingprotection
12ODIN3+positive input of (opto)isolated DIN3 (-> ODIN3)0 .. 60 V0 .. 80 V, 15mAgalvanic isolation
13ODIN3-negative input of (opto)isolated DIN3 (-> ODIN3)0 .. 60 V0 .. 80 V, 15mAgalvanic isolation
15ODIN4+positive input of (opto)isolated DIN4 (-> ODIN4)0 .. 60 V0 .. 80 V, 15mAgalvanic isolation
14ODIN4-negative input of (opto)isolated DIN4 (-> ODIN4)0 .. 60 V0 .. 80 V, 15mAgalvanic isolation

Note 1: pulse length measurement range: 800 us - 2200 us for 0 V / 5 V signal, error max. +/-25 us
Note 2: digital input: max. 3 V for LOW, min. 10 V for HIGH
Note 3: when ODIN is configured as floating, it is galvanically isolated from BATT-, from CANGND, COMGND and from the other ODIN input
Note 4: when ODIN is configured as pull-up, ODIN+ is connected internally to GPIO+5V
Note 5: when ODIN is configured as pull-down, ODIN- is connected internally to BATT- (HALLGND, GPIO, POWERGND)

Non-isolated digital inputs


Non-isolated digital inputs are for processing application digital signals (e.g. buttons). These inputs are part of the MSENS circuit and are available only for the MSENS "a" assembly variant. The reference potential is common with the controller's power GND.


TX din schemeImage generated by Eeschema-SVGGND3V6100nGNDGND47kGND22kto MCU digital inputDIN1, DIN2 - iGrid pins 8, 6HALLGND - iGrid pin 10protection: 0-Vbat tollerantlow/high threshold: 10V (TBD)


NumberNameFunctionOperating rangeMaximum ratingProtection
8DIN1/CLKDIN1 (max. 3 V for LOW, min 8 V for HIGH), EXC+, CLK+0 .. 60 V*0 .. VBat*high impedance
6DIN2/DATADIN2 (max. 3 V for LOW, min 8 V for HIGH), EXC-, DATA+0 .. 60 V*0 .. VBat*high impedance

Note *: valid for msens assembly variant "a"

Digital open-drain outputs


Digital open-drain outputs, capable of driving an inductive load with a maximum current load capacity of 500 mA. There is no inbuilt overcurrent or overload protection (except the fuse on the KEY pin) and it is necessary to keep the current below the maximal current specifications. Inductive load should be connected between corresponding DOUT+ and DOUT- pins.


TX dout schemeImage generated by Eeschema-SVG123GNDGNDDOUT1+, DOUT2+- iGrid pins 18, 17DOUT1-, DOUT2-- iGrid pins 16, 20load, can be inductivefrom MCUopen-drain outputnot shortcut or overload protectedax, tx: cca 500mA maxpwm capableinductive load capableTBD: review this noteskey


NumberNameFunctionMaximum ratingProtection
16DOUT1-Open-drain digital output, capable of inductive load switching, when connected between DOUT+ and DOUT-500 mA
18DOUT1+Positive output for DOUT, internally connected to pin 22 KEY and pin 17 DOUT2+500 mAone-time fuse
20DOUT2-Open-drain digital output, capable of inductive load switching, when connected between DOUT+ and DOUT-500 mA
17DOUT2+Positive output for DOUT, internally connected to pin 22 KEY and pin 18 DOUT1+.500 mAone-time fuse

Motor position sensor


Motor position sensor variant "a" can process 3 hall sensors or sin/cos position sensors and 2 inputs that can be used as non-isolated digital inputs (more information about DINs here).

HALLV/SIN and HALLU/COS inputs have combined functions. These inputs can process digital as well as analog signals, which means that can be used for sensing two state Halls and also sine and cosine signals. HALLW/COM can be used only for sensing digital signals. All these inputs work in the range from 0 to 5 V. Reference potential is shared with the main GND (internally connected to BATT-).

UVW hall sensors connection

Pin numberPin nameFunction
10HALLGNDSensor ground
4HALL+5VSensor +5V supply
9HALLUHall U digital input
7HALLVHall V digital input
9HALLWHall W digital input

Sin-Cos sensor connection

Pin numberPin nameFunction
10HALLGNDSensor ground
4HALL+5VSensor +5V supply
9HALLUCosine analog input
7HALLVSine analog input


TX msensa schemeImage generated by Eeschema-SVG1nGND4k7GND1k2GND+5V1k2+5V+5V6k84k7HALLW - iGrid pin 5for differential analog, resolver and encoder,there is different assembly of hallu, v, w and din1, din2HALLGND - iGrid pin 105V pull-up for open-drain hall sensors0-5V operating range5.5V abs. maxno protectionGND galvanically connected to power gndTBD: check these notesHALLU, HALLV - iGrid pins 9, 7HALL+5V - iGrid pin 4to MCU analog/digital inputto MCU digital input


NumberNameFunctionOperating rangeMaximum ratingProtection
10HALLGNDground for msens inputs, TEMP input and supply, connected internally to BATT-100 mA
4HALL+5V5 V power supply output for msens5 V / 100 mA **
9HALLUHALLU (max. 1 V for LOW, min 4 V for HIGH), COS0 .. 5 V0 .. 12 V*high impedance
7HALLVHALLV (max. 1 V for LOW, min 4 V for HIGH), SIN, ENCB+0 .. 5 V0 .. 12 V*high impedance
5HALLWHALLW (max. 1 V for LOW, min 4 V for HIGH), CLK-0 .. 5 V0 .. 12 V*high impedance

Note *: valid for msens assembly variant "a"
Note **: see Internal supply parameters

Motor temperature sensor


The motor temperature sensor circuit is designed to work with resistance ranging from 100 Ohms up to 10 kOhms. The TEMP pin has an internal pull-up connected to 5 V, providing power for the motor temperature sensor.


TX temp schemeImage generated by Eeschema-SVGGNDA+5VGND+3.3V10k/330mWGND47k1nGND4k722k1ugalvanically connected to the power gndconnect resistive sensor 100R-10kTBD: check the notesto MCU analog inputTEMP - iGrid pin 11HALLGND - iGrid pin 10


NumberNameFunctionOperating rangeMaximum ratingProtection
10HALLGNDground for msens inputs, TEMP input and supply, connected internally to BATT-100 mA
11TEMPmotor temperature sensor input, max. 5% error0 .. 5 V0 .. 12 Vhigh impedance

CAN communication interface


CAN communication interface is galvanically isolated from the main power GND. 120 Ohm terminator can be activated via an internal jumper on request.


TX CAN schemeImage generated by Eeschema-SVGIOGND12120RTXD1GND2VCC3RXD4CANL6CANH7S8IO+5VIOGNDIO+5VGNDIOGNDVDD11INA12OUTB13GND14GND25INB26OUTA27VDD28CANH - iGrid pin 3CANL - iGrid pin 2protection:- isolated from GND, PWRGND- CANL, CANH - abs. max +/- 70V (see TCAN1042 datasheet)IOGND - iGrid pin 1int. hw. conf: assembled, when canterm is selectedto MCU CAN RXto MCU CAN TX


NumberNameFunctionOperating rangeMaximum ratingProtection
1CANGNDCAN communication ground, isolated from BATT-, connected internally to COMGND50 mAgalvanic isolation
2CANLCAN communication, isolated from BATT-0 - 5 V+/- 70 V*galvanic isolation
3CANHCAN communication, isolated from BATT-0 - 5 V+/- 70 V*galvanic isolation

Note *: +/- 70V between CANL and CANH only when CAN_GND is connected to neither of these two pins. Other possibilities have not been tested. Contact siliXcon for more information.

USART communication interface


UARTcom communication interface is galvanically isolated from the main power GND. RX and TX have an operating range of 0 – 5 V. UART interface has also a dedicated 5 V power source for external accessories.


TX UART schemeImage generated by Eeschema-SVG5V122kIOGNDIOGNDIO+5VIOGND220RVDD11INA12OUTB13GND14GND25INB26OUTA27VDD28IO+5V220RIOGND12JP220R/040212JP210R/04025V1IO+10VGNDIO+5Vto MCU RXto MCU TXCOM+5V - iGrid pin 35IOGND - iGrid pin 36UARTCOM_TX - iGrid pin 34UARTCOM_RX - iGrid pin 33protection:- isolated from gnd, pwrgnd- RX, TX: 0-5.5V abs max (TBD)VDD11INA12OUTB13GND14GND25INB26OUTA27VDD28IO+5VIOGND


NumberNameFunctionOperating rangeMaximum ratingProtection
36COMGNDUSART communication ground, isolated from BATT-, connected internally to CANGND50 mAgalvanic isolation
35COM+5V/COM+10V5 V USART communication supply (10 V on request ***)5 V / 50 mA **galvanic isolation
34COMTXDUSART communication, isolated from BATT-0 - 5 V0 V .. 5.5 Vgalvanic isolation
33COMRXDUSART communication, isolated from BATT-0 - 5 V0 V .. 5.5 Vgalvanic isolation

Note : see Internal supply parameters
Note *
: 10 V output is not stabilized, output voltage could vary from 5 V to 13 V, depending on battery voltage and power supply load. Contact siliXcon for more information.

USB communicaton interface


USB communication interface is there only for parametrization purposes. This interface is not galvanically isolated from the power GND.


Do not use USB communication with a PC once the motor is driven. There is a risk of damage to the controller or the PC.


TX USB schemeImage generated by Eeschema-SVG3V6GND8VGND10R10RGND3V6GNDGND3k3USB+5V iGrid pin 32USBDM - iGrid pin 30USBDP - iGrid pin 28USB GND - iGrid pin 31to MCU usbdmto LDO, which powers MCUto MCU usbdp


NumberNameFunctionOperating rangeMaximum rating
31USB GNDUSB ground100 mA
32USB+5V5V input for powering via USB5 V5.5 V
28USBDPUSB data+0 - 3.3 V0 V .. 3.6 V
30USBDMUSB data-0 - 3.3 V0 V .. 3.6 V

Internal supply parameters

Maximum allowed currents from individual branches

Supply branchOutputsMaximum branch current
Unisolatedpin 4 - HALL+5V, pins 25, 27 - GPIO+5V150 mA
Isolatedpin 35 - COM+5V/COM+10V150 mA

Maximum allowed total current

Controller variantUsed supplyMaximum total current
all d variants (12dxa0830, 12dxx1030 ...)LM5017300 mA