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FW version: Stable

Product overview

Product description

siliXcon brushless motor controllers are a key component of a system that effectively controls three-phase motors. They are intended to operate with low-voltage DC power sources and are available in various voltage options, providing versatility and flexibility. Due to these features, siliXcon motor controllers are primarily used in battery-powered vehicles that require compact dimensions. Key features of siliXcon motor controllers include:

  1. High power density: Advanced technology and an emphasis on efficient heat dissipation from the most stressed areas allow us to maintain the control unit's dimensions as small as possible.
  2. Modularity: Individual blocks of the control unit are designed as modules that are shared among various controller models and variants. This provides users with a high degree of flexibility, and transitions between models do not pose complications.
  3. High dynamics: An extremely fast control loop for phase currents ensures precise current control and very rapid response to changes in control signals.
  4. Advanced protective features: Thanks to precise control of phase current and temperature control at critical points, the controller is robustly protected against overcurrent and overheating.
  5. VCU (Vehicle Control Unit): Integration of a high-performance microprocessor allows the implementation of vehicle control functions directly into the controller, thus saving installation space and end-application costs.

The controller is primarily designed to drive an electric motor with permanent magnets. Two standard FW applications LYNX and OPHION can be loaded into the controller.

TX controller

Product identification label

Each product is equipped with an identification label containing pertinent information.


1Maximum operating voltage
2Country of manufacture
3SN QR code
4Serial number
5Product Name
6Order code

Product variants

The Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) completely specifies the product type and version. When combined with the Firmware Identifier (Basename), it can serve as the ordering code. The MPN is made up of different sections, which are explained in the table below. Typically, only the standard variant is in stock.

MPN of the standard variant: TX_12dxa1030-800_00000-000BB


ax-assembly variant

Power stagePower featuresConnectivityMotor position sensorLimit voltageCurrent range
12 - OptiMos6 FETs (TBD)d - LM5017 supplyx - USB, CAN, USARTa - hall, analog (sin-cos)08 - 80 V20 - 200 A
TBD: r - resolcer, digital (ssi)10 - 100V30 - 300 A
TBD: e - incremental encoder
BitInternal HW configuration800
0ODIN3 pull-up
1ODIN3 pull-down
2ODIN4 pull-up
3ODIN4 pull-down
5Ground connected
6CAN terminator
7Power supply* (0=5V, 1=10V)
8Self power ON
9Constant ON
10One button control
11Fuse between Batt+ and KEYX

*Isolated power supply output


Signal connector

Signal connector sealing

The controller's signal connector sealing is designed as a separate part to keep the controller dimensions as small as possible. It is installed on the signal connector cables (see drawing). This part is the same for the AX and for the TX controller.

The product number for purchasing: AX_signal_sealing.

The controller fulfils the environmental specification only if this sealing is properly installed.

AX Molex holder

This tool helps you to assemble an TX (or AX) connector with the sealing. The AX Molex holder holds the Molex connector with the sealing, so you can easily insert wires with crimp.

You can download the model here: AX Moler holder and 3D print the holder.

Pre-crimped wires

siliXcon can provide pre-crimped wires for end-application prototyping. The bare wires with iGrid crimp on one end can be purchased by following ordering codes:

Part namedescriptionwire color
Cable_i-grid_black_50Black cable, 0,25mm2, 50cm lengthBlack
Cable_i-grid_red_50Red cable, 0,25mm2, 50cm lengthRed
Cable_i-grid_white_50White cable, 0,25mm2, 50cm lengthWhite
Cable_i-grid_green_50Green cable, 0,25mm2, 50cm lengthGreen
Cable_i-grid_blue_50Blue cable, 0,25mm2, 50cm lengthBlue
Cable_i-grid_yellow_50Yellow cable, 0,25mm2, 50cm lengthYellow