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FW version: Stable

Firmware upgrade

SiliXcon device firmware releases are maintained by our "SRM" versioning service. SRM stands for Sercured Remote Management. The flashing process can be either manual or automated.


For OEM customers, SRM also offers container maintenance. A container stands for a firmware locked together with configuration (typically, linked to a customer's solution).

Manual process

Step 1 - Set your connection options

More about How to connect to siliXcon device

Step 2 - Select a release

  • In the launchpad, click on UPGRADE shortcut button. Automatic config backup will be done first and stored to c:\silixcon\config_backup\. The bl_srm tool will be invoked and after a while, you should see this:

    srm main

  • Using the arrows, you can choose:

    • UPGRADE - This will try to automatically upgrade to the newest release (continue here)
    • LIST - This will allow you to choose the next operation from a variant list.
  • On the next screen, you will see the variant list. For your variant, you can either:

    • choose UPGRADE... - newest FW of that variant will be provided (continue here)
    • choose LISTALL... - this will allow you can choose the exact release.

    srm variant

  • On the next screen, you can choose the exact release.

    srm versions


Please mind the difference between "stable", "testing" and other, special release types.

Step 3 - upgrading

After a release is selected, a payload is generated by our server and the bl_srm tool uploads it into the device for flashing. The payload transfer is end-to-end encrypted (up to the device). The flashing process may take a while. This is what a successful upgrade looks like:


Automatic upgrade

It is surely inconvenient to upgrade dozens of devices manually. For automation, you can use scripting (e.g. Python, bash, batch) and create a script to upgrade your devices.


Run these commands in the command line. Not using the siliXcon term.

Examples using Batch:

  • Upgrade to the latest stable release over USB:

    resetconn       :: Reset connection options to default
    set if=usb :: Set the interface to USB
    srm UPGRADE-stable
  • Upgrade to latest testing release variant VECTOR_LYNX_generic over CAN (default can speed is 1Mbps) :

    resetconn       :: Reset connection options to default
    set if=kvaser :: Set the interface to kvaser
    srm UPGRADE-testing: VECTOR_LYNX_generic
  • Upgrade to latest testing release to exact version VECTOR_OPHION_generic v4.0.1-testing Oct 17 2022 over CAN (CAN speed is set to 500kbps) :

    resetconn       :: Reset connection options to default
    set if=kvaser :: Set interface to kvaser
    set opt=0,4
    srm UPGRADE: VECTOR_OPHION_generic v4.0.1-testing Oct 17 2022

Special release types


Nightly build is a release that can have the newest features, but it is not properly tested, not even marked for testing. The nightly firmware is hidden from the manual upgrade listing operations.

Stable, tested FW < ---- > newest, untested FW STABLE --- TESTING --- NIGHTLY

How to upgrade to the nightly firmware release

  • Upgrade to the latest nightly firmware

    srm UPGRADE-nightly
  • Show all nightly releases available

    srm LIST-nightly
  • Upgrade to the latest nightly release of variant VECTOR_OPHION_generic

    srm UPGRADE-nightly: VECTOR_OPHION_generic