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FW version: Stable


When flashing a device, the query string specifies the requested operation. The SRM query string is needed for the srm CLI tool or for IOT upgrade process. The query string is sent to the SRM server. Typically, as a response, the server returns the list of available next steps or the payload to flash.

Query stringDescription
UPGRADEUpgrade to latest release
UPGRADE-stableUpgrade to the latest stable release
UPGRADE-testingUpgrade to the latest testing release
UPGRADE-nightlyUpgrade to the latest nightly release
LISTShow LIST of available firmware variants.
(It shows only stable and testing FW)
LIST-testing (stable, nightly)Same as above, but only for testing, stable, or nightly
LISTALLShow LIST of available individual releases.
(It shows only stable and testing FW)
LISTALL-testing (stable, nightly)Same as above, but only for testing, stable, or nightly
UPGRADE:[swid]Upgrade to specific SWID.
UPGRADE-nightly:[swid]Upgrade to specific nightly SWID.
UPGRADE:[token]Upgrade to container.
  • The query string is case-sensitive.
  • In UPGRADE:[swid] the swid can be partial. I.e this command "srm UPGRADE:VECTOR_LYNX_generic v2" will upgrade to the latest v2 of VECTOR_LYNX_generic.
  • Use double quotes if the swid contains spaces.
  • If you want to upgrade to nightly, or to any other, non-tested release type, to show LIST of nightly, you must always specify the nightly keyword. This is to prevent accidental upgrades to nightly releases.

UPGRADE query scenarios


With the UPGRADE, the SRM server automatically decides and yields one of the following scenarios. Based on the current release, it selects the latest release from the same branch.


A container consists of firmware linked together with a configuration image(s). Once the device is on a container, the device will be upgraded to the latest release of that container automatically with the UPGRADE query.


Currently, only siliXcon can deploy and manage containers and their releases. A Web GUI for managing custom containers is not yet available.


It is not possible to upgrade only part of the parameters inside the device.

  • If the container has a configuration image, all parameters are restored, and the new configuration is applied. For example, this results in the need for new identification of the motor.
  • The container release can be deployed without a configuration image. In this case, the configuration is not altered.

Structure of a container


The container is linked to the device PCB and the application variant. This means you cannot have a single container with different application variants. for exp.: VECTOR_LYNX_generic and VECTOR_LYNX_lite
