For SWTools version. x.y.z.w - version format. All are numbers. x - major version of swtools y - minor version z - patch w - version of installation package
- [INTERNAL] Add new IF "usb_ipc" - this interface is used for IPC comunication and libusb is removed from the dll
- emgui change save/load icon back to the 'diskette'
- emgui add dark-mode
- emgui do not reclaim healthy sessions
- launchpad revert back 'addressing' to 'options'
- emgui pre-load tkinter module to the master thread as a workaround for thread-safety
- emgui make window un-minimize on plugin invocation
- siliSpin add 'enter' and 'esc' keyboard shortcuts
- plugins - optimizations and UI fixes
- Fix CORS policy - correctly respond to OPTIONS request
- emgui starts scope automatically with scope manager
- launchpad add presets to the addressing dialog
- emGUI fix SXAPI crash bug with (multiple plugins shared a global exception object)
- siliTune identrun hang fix
- plugins - many optimizations and UI fixes
- scope disable multiple instances for the same conn opts, bring the original window instance to top once triggered
- emGUI parameter flag decoding to the parameter typename (volatile, bitwise, discrete)
- LaunchPad unify namespace with documentation, update links, add link to addressing dialog
- siliWatch redesign update to make window more responsible, re-catch lost device
- siliSpin add reinit upon unsuccessful release
- plugins add docs shortcuts, upgrade messagebox, general small updates
- emGUI hearbeat bug
- peakCAN initialization problem (when daughter tool spawned and parent restarted)
- emgui X yosctl cross-instance check
- conn_options remove console window pop-up during child tool spawning
- support for Peak CAN dongle - This is currently in experimental stage, you may experience some issues.
- Create new SWTools SOLO installer - This installer contains only the SWTools and drivers are not included. (To save space)
- crash when generating diag report of node without active target
- UX flaws in filtering and multi-selection, combination of context menu + CTRL
- plugins updated
- small fixes in search function
- Plugins updated
- scope - last sample cursor draw now turned off by selecting MASTER mode
- emgui.cmd - opens up emgui in the c:/silixcon folder only if no arguments are given (no scripts)
- emGUI - improve 'diff tool' function - dynamic un-hiding of modified parameters
- emGUI - resize value edit boxes on read/write
- Drivers - updated Kvaser drivers to 5.45.724
- Drivers - updated Can King to 6.27.701
- Install - during uninstallation, these folders are removed:
- new/silixcon/drivers
- new/silixcon/scripts
- new/silixcon/plugins
- new
is not removed during the uninstallation.
- scope - repair cursor positioning when only XSCALE is checked
- emGUI - enable CORS mechanism mirroring the 'origin' entry from request header to response header
- emGUI - fix race condition when running multiple plugins.
- emGUI - fix 'reclaim session' functionality, add global reclaim action icon
- emGUI - fix login vs fetch race condition; caused crashes when login failed before fetch
- emGUI - many small UX fixes
- siliWatch, siliSpin, siliTune plugins
- bl, bl_secure, bl_srm - add adjustable trial count with 't' option
- emGUI - dynamic plugin icon display to the toolbar, doc icon button that leads to docs page
- emGUI - parameter load and save + reclaim shortcuts to the toolbar, purge file menu
- emGUI - parameter restore to the context menu
- emGUI - sxapi command to run an external file as a plugin
- emGUI - sxapi support full 'execute' method with asynchronous access to standerd input and output
- emGUI - 'change address' and 'show logs' dialog
- emGUI - 'script manager'
- emGUI - 'drag and drop' functionality for variables import
- emGUI - 'generate diagnostic report' function
- emGUI - name filter function
- scope - add cursor value display
- Fix command line option overriding bug (all tools)
- [INTERNAL] Add -gg option to randomize key pair
- enable path caching for fs and rpc proto to speed up same dir access
- emGUI add group operations to context menu (open and plot) when multi-selection is enabled
- emGUI improve dock widget layouting behavior (tree widget not overthrown by a dock widget)
- scope zoom-scroll : scope now auto-adjusts offsets accoring to the mouse position for friendlier zoom-scroll effect
- scope last sample display : scope shows the last captured sample as the horizontal dashed line in the trend's color
- scope cursor display : scope features a 'cursor' on mouse click - for data history readout
- scope add 'v' shortcut for direct screenshot export to clipboard
- scope trend header support to the csv import/export
- scope UX few small fixes
- msg_udp - experimental
- uuid_sn - generate sn from uuid
- sxapi - add 'open' and 'show' python functions to invoke dialogs from the sxapi script (for limited workspace saving)
- sxapi - support for multiple plugins simultaneously, support for search, node and variable keywords, dummy searches and direct interface mode
- scope - add plot focus select key F1 - F4
- scope - add option '-t' to start with default settings
- bl accepts file name appendixes to specify offset and size
- Updated kvaser drivers
- scope and term show target address in the window caption
- SRM push using scripts [internal only]
- msg_fwd - prepare to support reception of composed datagrams (finally)
- scope - fix crashes when too big csv file loaded, fix behavior when user closes the file selection dialog
[] - nightly
- [internal only]
- emGUI sxapi rest server header contains 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin:',
- launchpad opens a browser with the same link ('Open assistant ...' button)
- emGUI export has a new feature - sorting exported entries according to entry groups (for params, default and non-default values are also separated)
- emGUI export/import now composes a different filename (with basename, address, S/N and date)
- emGUI works as expected with 'ctrl' key to enable/disable multi-selection in the main tree
- emGUI PlotManager is opened automatically after entry plot from context menu, PlotManager contains a button to start scope
- msg_kvaser can wait error -7 (caused by overflowing rx queue on tx handle)
[] - nightly
- 'intsallscript' command to install internal script
- 'bl_secure' accepts command sequence for secured load, such as SETHWID, SETNAME, multiple files, etc.
- emGUI sxapi rest server sends 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'
- non-working 'u' option of bl
- u option in srm - No reset broadcasting during upgrade
- (Internall only)
- Fix missing libcurl.dll
- u option in srm - No reset broadcasting during upgrade
- (Internall only)
- emgui performs sequential load by default
- msg_bt now works with new COD (accepted by iphone)
- SXAPI/server provides the access through REST API
- fwd fix parsing of the option string
- add new option to yosctl var push (-F) - verify config file against the target
- add new options to srmc and bl_srm that allow to select the alternative host server/url/path
- add multithreaded sxapi/server socket server to the emgui
- emgui can now be run as a daemon (with -q as the option)
- switch srmc and bl_srm to use the new srm client with libcurl, when available
- launchpad shows two weblinks - 'read the doc' (new online doc system) and 'online solution' (runs emgui and points to the extranet). Maybe a single link to the extranet will be enough.
- add missing newline after the utility string
- emgui performs sequential search by default
- msg_bt - Bluetooth msg interface
- prodb - ready for new srm server (new intranet)
- proview
- sync_time.cmd - sync device time with pc
- add python to PATH
- New LITE version, only SRM included and launchpad
- save_log.cmd - new command, that create log
- another fix of kvaser dll
- Add mising libusb-1.0.dll
- sync versions of tools with insallation package version
- Fix kvaser dll
Fist official build with SXAPI
- improve preprocessor in term: supports for macros, ifdefs, declaration
- umsg now accept option string in format '4' or 'COM4' (for com port 4)
- emGUI shows dialog during import from file, where user can set options to restore, push and save the parameters
- emGUI supports SXAPI plugins
- [INTERNAL] add cmd scripts for easy building of the emulated environment: 'e' and 'runemu'
- msg_kvaser supports more detailed opt string which allows to select physical location of the kvaser device
- [INTERNAL] NSIS installation associates .sxp files as sxapi scripts
- [INTERNAL] NSIS script installs /python folder
- Add SXAPI examples
- /driver folder now located in the main installation directory
- attempt to fix "send wait error -7" in msg_kvaser
- [INTERNAL] smake print some colors
- term doesn't fail when preprocessing directive's argument contains a tab
- term doesn't translate comment lines from the .ys file to the empty lines sent to the target
- - can upload directly to SRM
- smake updated
- UMSG refactored
- Resetconn for internall will do addr -1
- Using new SRM server on wedos
- [prodb] - now using mariadb
- some changes in umsg