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FW version: Stable

Device upgrade


srm upgrade

The SRM bootloader is a local tool for performing the flashing process. This tool establishes a dialog with the device, our server and optionally, with the user - to offer available options. The firmware (container) release selection is either manual or automated.

term window


For the OEM customers, SRM also offers container maintenance. A container stands for a firmware locked together with configuration (typically, linked to the customer's solution).

Configuration persistence after firmware update

When a different release (newer or older) is loaded into the device, its configuration can either be preserved or reset to default values. Whether configuration is kept or reset depends on whether the previous and new releases are compatible. Compatible releases are marked by the same major version on stable releases. If both releases have the same set of internal parametric variables the configuration is kept. If any parametric variables are added or removed in the newly loaded version, they are considered incompatible and the old configuration is reset to the default values of the new release. It is good practice to save the user configuration to a file before a firmware upgrade for future reference (if you are not sure about compatibility).