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FW version: Stable

Overview (what's there)


TLDR: SWTools is not just emGUI and term.


serves as a frontend window featuring a few shortcut buttons that represent the most common starting points. It also offers the capability to set up global connection options. The version of SWTools is displayed in the title of the window.

LaunchPad window

  • Every tool can be invoked by its name from the command line. The installer sets up the system path for such purposes.
  • Multiple different tools can run or multiple instances of the same tool can run simultaneously.


is a comprehensive windowing environment created for intuitive interaction with the siliXcon device(s). Its foundation is a set around the tree of managed items (data model of the device). This tree is dynamically loaded from the device(s) when the user initiates a search operation.

emGUI facilitates the exploration of this tree, allowing for the modification of parameters, monitoring of state variables, execution of commands, and the export and import of values to and from a file, among other functionalities. Additionally, emGUI serves as a host for the sxapi interface, functioning as a conduit between the device and other independent applications.

emGUI window


functions as a real-time graphing instrument, designed to capture and represent incoming data samples. This tool operates passively, without controlling the nature and timing of the sampling process. Its primary focus lies in providing accurate, rapid, and user-friendly graphical representations of discrete-time signals, essential for in-depth engineering analysis of the system under observation. It offers features such as scale adjustment, a range of synchronization choices, the ability to save and retrieve sample memory to and from a CSV file, real-time data logging, and more.

scope window


is a fundamental component within the SWTools suite, facilitating access to the device via its Command Line Interface (CLI). It enables interaction with the device's standard input and output. Additionally, 'term' is capable of preprocessing and transmitting script files to the device when they are provided as arguments. It also incorporates various keyboard shortcuts that streamline processes such as automatic login, device reboot, execution of preset scripts and more.

term window

Other CLI tools

srm bootloader

SRM, standing for Secure Remote Management, is a utility designed for both manual and automated, secure firmware updates via the Internet. BL refers to BootLoader. SRM establishes connections with the device and our servers, enabling controlled firmware version management operations.

term window


is effectively the command-line interface (CLI) counterpart to the emGUI. It enables similar levels of interaction with the device and its entries but through command line commands. This tool is particularly well-suited for automated scripting, typically using bash or Python, and is ideal for End-of-Line configuration tasks.


serves as an independent authentication tool. Commonly utilized by other tools, it is employed when operations necessitate authentication. Auth converts the 'user:password' credentials into an authentication token. It offers various security levels, including fixed password, floating, and internet-based. Typically, we supply tailored authenticators as additional add-ons.

batch scripts

there are a few predefined batch wrappers available as CLI tool extensions for the most common use cases. For example, automated configuration push and pull, time synchronization, connection options save and load, etc.

Interfaces and drivers

The device supports several communication interfaces that can be used to connect with your computer and the SWTools. Depending on the communication interface, the computer needs a specific driver to be capable of communicating with the device. Apart from the comlink interfaces, the installer includes some drivers:

  • siliXcon USB driver
  • Kvaser SDK driver

Scripts, plugins and application-specific content

  • scripts/ folder contains various example/CC scripts that perform device diagnostics, identification, etc. directly on the device.
  • plugins/ folder contains a few SXapi examples as well as fully-featured GUI frontends for motor controllers: SiliWatch and SiliSpin
  • midi/ a few tunes to try with our midip player