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FW version: Stable

Batch scripts

A number of (hopefuly) useful batch scripts is delivered with the siliXcon SWTools package. The scripts are located in the /silixcon/swtools/cmd directory of the SWTools package. The /cmd folder is added to the system path during installation. This means that the scripts can be executed from any location.

Generic helpers


The script synchronizes device's RTC clock with the time of your PC. The script can be used with every siliXcon device, but not all devices have backup power supply to keep clock running in the off-state.


The script will ask you for the driver error code from esc controller family and will translate it into a human-readable sentence.


The script will pull the configuration from the device and save it to a file. The file name is Conf_{device sn}_{date}.yc


The script will push the configuration to the device. The YOS config file externsion .yc is associated with the script.


The script will install the persistent YOS script to the device using yosctl.


Store values from local connection options to global connection options.


Reset global connection options to their default values.

addr = 0
if = "usb"
opt = 0
crd = ""


This scripts check if local connection options do exist. If not, it loads global connection options to the local environment variables.

Batch wrappers

The wrappers are used to set-up the environment for the tool executables, most importantedly - to load the connection options for them. For example, term command invokes term.cmd which prepares the environment and runs term.exe.