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FW version: Stable


yosctl is a generic tool for application-level manipulation with siliXcon devices. It is a CLI counterpart to the emGUI.


Any CLI tool has an embedded manual page. To view it, execute e.g. yosctl -?

How to use

yosctl is primarily designed for production scripting, but it may be used for any other means of interactions. It can be invoked as a system command from any scripting system, like Python or from Windows shell. You may easily integrate it into an existing environment. yosctl offers a range of atomic operations that can be performed on the device. Their specifications are taken from command line arguments and optionally, from a file or standard input. The result of the operation is passed as the command's return value, and optionally, returned through standard output, or written to a file.


yosctl is divided into five modules. Each of them facilitates manipulation with different parts of the system:

  • if - query communications interface
  • pwr - power control the target
  • id - identify the target
  • var - manipulate target's data/variable filesystem entries
  • cmd - execute remote commands on the target

Apart from the global manual, each module has a distinct manual page, which can be invoked by typing e.g. yosctl if help. Please use the embedded manual pages for relevant descriptions.


A few, simple scenarios of what can be done with a connected device and the yosctl:

  • Set a parameter : yosctl var set /driver/iref 0.5
  • Read a parameter : yosctl var get /driver/iref
  • Run a command : yosctl cmd exec identrun
  • Save parameters : yosctl cmd exec save -y
  • Get the serial number : yosctl id parse sn
  • Get the hwid : yosctl id info hwid

A console window with retrieving the device's identification strings using yosctl:

yosctl example


For more examples, please check our GitHub repository with the production scripting examples.