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FW version: Stable


List of all yOS parameters and states.


ctl_modeDefines driver control mode for cmd > 0see driver manual
ctl_rev_modeDefines driver control mode for cmd < 0see driver manual
delayTime delay after start (before any command is sent to the driver)[ ms ]
idle_levelDefines value of coomand to the driver for cmd = 0[ - ] <-1:1>
idle_modeDefines driver control mode for cmd = 0see driver manual
safetyoptsDefines behaviour of safety functions1: Disables disarming function
2: NaN on cmd do permanent disarm
sig_pathDefines behaviour of the applicationsee sig path
State variableDescriptionUnit
armed_statesee disarming
cmdIndicates current command to the driver[ - ] <-1:1>
in1Indicates current value of digital input 10: non-active
1: active
in2Indicates current value of digital input 20: non-active
1: active
levelIndicates current value of analog input 1[ - ] <-1:1>
level2Indicates current value of analog input 2[ - ] <-1:1>
modeIndicates current state of the state machine (see mode)[ - ]